Double Booking
We're using Exchange 2003 SP2. If someone creates an appointment more than a year in advance, it seems like someone can double book the resources used by that appointment. Is this a real issue, or is it a coincidence? I haven't been able to find anything about this on the web. I did find something about the Free/Busy time and I extended that to 36 months. Is that the solution? What else can allow double booking other than user error creating the appointment?
January 20th, 2010 5:51pm

Are you using the Auto Accept Agent to book resources? If so check the configuration file for the settings below. They control how many conflicts are allowed before the agent declines an invite.Global Section:<RecurringMeetingConflictPercentageAllowed>0</RecurringMeetingConflictPercentageAllowed> <RecurringMeetingMaximumConflictInstances>0</RecurringMeetingMaximumConflictInstances> Mailbox: Sectiom<RecurringMeetingConflictPercentageAllowed>25</RecurringMeetingConflictPercentageAllowed> <RecurringMeetingMaximumConflictInstances>4</RecurringMeetingMaximumConflictInstances>
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January 20th, 2010 6:28pm

Hi, From outlook, we have Update free/busy information on the server every x minutes box and Publish x month(s) of Calendar free/busy information on the server box. So if you do not change the default(2months), Outlook stores and publishes up to 2 months of free/busy data. When we use direct book, it will try to checks free/busy update settings on outlook. So for this issue, the free/busy which will occur in the next 12 month will not be aware. Exchange 2003 Auto Accept Agent vs. direct booking You should not register a resource mailbox for Auto Accept Agent in Exchange 2003 when you set up a resource for direct booking in Outlook;EN-US;903290 Regards, Xiu
January 22nd, 2010 6:18am

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