Double Contacts Folder after Mailbox Migration

Heres a new one for you Ive done a few Exchange 2007/2010 to 2013 migrations so far, and to my knowledge theyve been successful until now

I migrated my own server from 2007 to 2013 over the weekend.  Mailbox migration finished early Tuesday morning my time (Monday was a public holiday).  Everything seemed to work just fine.

Yesterday (Tuesday) I noticed on my Win8.1 phone, that a large number of my contacts were missing.  Digging deeper I found that my phone was missing the contacts from my main mailbox.  I checked my iPad to see if the contacts were there they were!  I figured somethings up with my Win8.1 phone, so I removed the account and readded it same problem.  I added a user to the contacts on my Win8.1 phone and syncd it.  It showed up in the iPad no problems. 

I then went to Outlook and switched the pane to Folder View I could then see two contacts folder both at the root of my mailbox.  The test user was in the first folder.  If I try to expand the 2<sup>nd</sup> folder, it sends outlook into a massive loop and flickers between the two folders as if they are fighting one on one

If however I switch the view to People I see the two contacts folders as just fine and can look into each of them.  In one of them I can see the Testuser.  In the other folder I can see all my other contacts that are "missing"

But wait it gets better still.  In our office several months back, we migrated from Exchange 2010 to 2013.  I wondered if others had seen the problem.  From what I can see today, it appears that anyone with a Windows 8 phone has this duplicated contacts folder. They appear to have the exact same problem right down to the flickering and crash of Outlook 2013

I'm concerned now because this is now a couple of migrations that we've seen this on and I've no idea whats gone wrong.

I've checked event logs - nothing seems amiss there.

Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this?

October 8th, 2014 7:56am

Hi Wayne,

I have seen this issue if original mailbox was in different language than the new mailbox.I have even seen this even if original mailbox had EN-US and new database is EN-UK.

Please run the following command in Exchange powershell:

Get-MailboxFolderStatistics | Select Name,FolderSize,ItemsinFolder

Do you see two contact folder here aswell?

Solution for us it to copy all "old Contacts" to new Contact and delete the old one.When try to delete the default Contact you will get error message that it cant be removed.

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October 8th, 2014 8:44am

When you did the migrations what CU did you have installed on the Exchange 2013 Servers?  I ran into a similar issue during a migration and it looks like it was fixed with CU6.

Unfortunately the CU only prevents the issue from happening in the future, you still need to clean it up yourself.

October 8th, 2014 10:13am


Thanks for responding.  Yes - there were/are two contact folders.  I figure the solution is as you suggest, but wanted to be clear on things before I may well have "broken it further" :-)


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October 8th, 2014 5:15pm

And that would be it... the migrations I've done have all been using Exchange 2013 SP1 or earlier.  I'll upgrade them to UR6 and use UR6 for all future migrations.

With respect to cleanup - are you simply talking about copy the items from one contacts folder to the other, then delete the original contacts folder?  Is there anything else needed?

Thanks for the fast response. I thought I was going crazy and had not picked up on that change in UR6.


October 8th, 2014 6:25pm

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