DsAcls Useage
DSACLS "CN=Public Folders,CN=Folder Hierarchies,CN=Administrative_Group_Name,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=ORGANIZATION_Name,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=Root_DOMAIN"
Could someone tell me what the syntax is refering to in this command, such as what value is ORGANIZATION_Name and Administrative_Group_Name
July 21st, 2008 9:10pm
There are many ways to tell this but here is a easier way for both of the Exchange versions. It also depends in which Admin Group your public folder hierarchieis availableif you have multiple Admin Groups.
Exchange 2003: Open Exchange System Manager and on top in Left Pane you can see Some Name (Exchange) where some name is your Organization Name & Expand the Administrative Groups in left pane where you can see the your all admin groups.
Exchange 2007: Run below command.
Get-ExchangeServer Your Server Name | FL Name, ExchangeLegacyDN
Output of command:
Name : <Your Server Name>
ExchangeLegacyDN : /o=<Your Org Name>/ou=<Your Admin Group>/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=<Your Server Name>
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July 22nd, 2008 5:28pm