Dynamic Mail List
Hi All
I have set up some dynamic mail distributions groups but there are 5 users i need to exclude from this. I have modified the custom attibutes of the mailboxes that I wish to remove but need then to set the condition to exclude.
Im thinking that i'm going to have use powershell for this using something along the lines of:
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity "All" -RecipientFilter {-not(Name -like '<user mailbox name>')}
Any ideas would be greatly appriciated.
November 21st, 2008 2:23pm
Hello Martin,
Yes you can use powershell cmdlet to exclude users like this but you need to give full syntax in -RecipientFilter command to include users based on filter and to exclude mentioned users.
Refer similar thread...
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November 21st, 2008 4:19pm