E2K3 Remove Public Folder Store
I have a SBS 2003 Server. Its the only server in my environment.
I created a new public folder tree called: fred
I created a new public folder store called: Fred psf
I linked this public folder store to the public folder tree.
I created a test folder under the public folder tree called: fred 1
I created a test folder under the public folder tree called: fred 2
I tired to view these fodlers within Outlook but could not see them, so I decided to remove everything.
I deleted the test folder under the public folder tree called: fred 2
I deleted the test folder under the public folder tree called: fred 1
I tired to delete the public folder store fred psf, but received the error:
You cannot delete this public folder store because it contains folder replicas. To avoid data loss, right click the public folder store and use Move All Replicas to move the replicas to a different server. It may take several hours until the content is replicated to the new server and the local replicas are removed.
I tired this and there are no servers available to move the folders to (only one server in the domain).
If I Dis-mount the public folder store, fred psf, and then try to delete it, I receive the following error:
This public folder store is presently offline. Exchange Server cannot determine if the publicfolder store can be safely deleted. Unsafely deleting a public folder store can lead to data loss and loss of essential functionality such as Offline Address List generation and Free/Busy.
Bring the public folder store online and try again. If you cannot bring the public folder store online, and you want to delete it, manually remove the public folder store .edb and .stm database files from yourr computer, re-create the public folder store by remounting the database, and then try deleting the public folder store again.
I tried the delete and re-create, but I get the same error about replicas.
Can anyone give me advice how to properly delete this store? Currently, I have the store Dis-mounted.
November 6th, 2007 7:48pm
wishing that someone would have been kind enough to reply but its been 5 years! ...I'm facing a similar perplexing issue with an Exchange 2003 server I've inherited that I want to clean up prior to migrating it to the latest flavor.
Dale Unroe
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September 15th, 2012 1:22pm