ESP Access Denied
I am trying to run ESP and I keep getting an access denied error. I have tried many different permissions scenarios trying to work this out. Currently I have one account that has local access to the machine, exchange organization admin and exchange server admin. This account does not have any other domain rights other than user. I have another account with all of the same permissions but is also a "god" account including domain admins etc which I could see having an issuewith the inherited deny send/recieve. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I really need to get access to run the tool. thanks, M
July 12th, 2007 7:40pm

Since your post has been up here for a while and no one has answered, I'll jump in and ask a dumb question. ESP? Maybe it is just the jet-lag, but I can't figure out what you mean by ESP?
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July 13th, 2007 3:16am

I just downloaded ESP and am having the same problem, have you found an answer for this by chance?ESP = Exchange Stress and Performance Tool
August 7th, 2007 1:51am

try connecting to localhost and you should find that it works, I think as thi worked for me but I then got stuck on using the owa.esp module so ............... Robin
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April 28th, 2008 5:12pm

hi, I am seeing this same issue while trying to run 32-bit version of ESP on a client machine to an E2K7 64-bit server. any ideas?? KC
April 21st, 2009 5:03am

I'm now also trying this tool. It's sad there is little troubleshooting explain. I met this trouble for a long time. So far,I can't find answer. And Microsoft has no any description for this question. If you have answer, could you please update your result here?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 22nd, 2009 12:17pm

I never did manage to get it working. Sad.
September 23rd, 2010 11:05am

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