EX2007 Edge sloooooow delivery
I have been working to squeeze an Edge Transport server on our perimeter to sit between our main Exchange 2007 server and the Internet. I finally got this taken care of yesterday and today it is being a total nightmare. Emails take about an hour to be delivered from the Edge server, whether incoming or outgoing. I'm aware that 2007 has throttling stuff built in to slow an email server down to avoid back pressure if things get too busy.I hardly call an avg. of less than 2 emails sent / received a second busy, though (looking at the Exchange Server Performance Monitor). For all intents and purposes, this server is doing nothing and isn't being pushed hard at all. The processor is very low on usage and only about half the physical memory on the machine is being used. Disk IO isn't struggling at all, either. I'm at a loss right now as to why it's being like it is. The event logs indicate nothing (the only even log errors I'm getting are issues with no certificate for some of my connectors... another issue I'm working on).Maybe someone has some insight for me. Until then, though, I'm going to keep digging through the net for an answer to find out if I missed that "emails stop at an email queue party for about an hour before moving to their final destination" setting.
March 5th, 2008 7:15pm