EXCH2007 receive problem - drop directory
I'd appreciateany assistance. I did a new install of Exchange 2007 for our company to host our own email andconfiguredthe send/receive connectors forHub Transport. I can send out mail perfectly fine.
I have adomain name that I'm using for testingincoming email. When I send mail to the test email address (info@testdomain.com), the incoming message reaches the drop directory, but then does not advance to the mailbox. I have a user mailbox configured with the primary stmp email address as the info@testdomain.comemail address, and I have testdomain.com as an accepted authoritative domain in Organization Configuration > Hub Transport. Also, it is listed as a local alias domainin the Default SMTP Virtual Server's domains within IIS. In the E-Mail Address Policy, this domain is listed as %m@testdomain.com underSMTP address. In the default receive connector,it allows Anonymous users to connect.
I cannot find how to get the incoming messages from the drop directory into the appropriate mailbox. I've examined the .eml files, and there doesn't seem to any malformed "x-receiver" field. What am I missing here? I'veresearched this issue and all I found out are that messages in the drop directory are there waiting for local delivery. Yes, fine, they are there, but is there a service that runs that actually moves messages from drop into mailboxes?Has anyone encountered this situation before? Thanks for any help.
November 3rd, 2008 11:03pm
andynova wrote:
Also, it is listed as a local alias domainin the Default SMTP Virtual Server's domains within IIS.
What do you mean by this? Exchange 2007 requires no IIS configuration for mailflow.
Also, I'm pretty sure "Drop Directories" are only used for non-smtp connectors. Exchange 2007 uses a jet database for the mail queue on HT servers unlike Exchange 2003.
Are you perhaps referring to a Pickup Directory? This wouldn't be involved with mailflow, but if your testing using this directory, read here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb124549(EXCHG.80).aspx
Belowis an excerpt from that last link:
Requirements for Message Files in the Pickup Directory
A message file that is copied into the Pickup directory must meet the following requirements for successful delivery:
The message file must be a text file that complies with the basic SMTP message format. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) message header fields and content are supported.
The message file must have an .eml file name extension.
At least one e-mail address must exist in the Sender or From: message header fields in the message header. If a single e-mail address exists in both the Sender and From: fields, the e-mail address in the From: field is used as the originator of the message in the message envelope.
Only one e-mail address can ever exist in the Sender field. Multiple e-mail addresses are not allowed. The Sender field is optional if only one e-mail address exists in the From: field.
Multiple e-mail addresses are allowed in the From: field, but a single e-mail address must also exist in the Sender field. The address in the Sender field is then used as the originator of the message in the message envelope.
At least one e-mail address must exist in the To:, Cc:, or Bcc: fields.
A blank line must exist between the message header and the message body.
The following is an example of a plain text message that uses acceptable formatting for the Pickup directory:
Copy Code
To: mary@contoso.com
From: bob@fabrikam.com
Subject: Message subject
This is the body of the message.
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November 4th, 2008 4:34pm
Mike - thank you for responding.
I followed this TechNet article to "Configure Internet Mail Flow Directly Through a Hub Transport Server":
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb738138(EXCHG.80).aspx which created a send connector and modified the default receive connector. Then when I sent a message to my test email address, the message was returned with this error message:
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----<info@testdomain.com> (reason: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for info@testdomain.com)
My research of this error message led me to configure the Default SMTP Virtual Server, which I found to be located in IIS. I added "testdomain.com" as a Local (Alias) domain in the list under Domains, which previously had "exchange.abc.local" as the Local (Default) domain, which is the FQDN of the connector / server. Now when I send a test message, the email is received but goes into the drop directory, where it stays. This drop directory configuration is found within the properties of the Local (Default) domain located in the Default SMTP Virtual Server. So I think it's doing what it's supposed to be doing, but the messages never move on to the appropriate mailboxes.
The drop folder is used for incoming messages intended for local domains. Here's the link I found for an explanation of SMTP:
Perhaps my Exchange configuration is totally messed up, but I thought I followed everything properly. It still doesn't work. And I'm getting another headache. I'd appeciate any further suggestions on how to get this working properly. Thanks.
November 4th, 2008 8:39pm
You are mixing configuring Exchange 2007 SMTP with IIS SMTP. You need to go back thru and remove all the IIS SMTP configurations, so that you only have Exchange 2007configured on the server.
Now for your original error "(reason: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for info@testdomain.com)", to me this says that you don't have "testdomain.com" defined in Exchange as an accepted domain. You need to double check to make sure that domain is setup correctly in Exchange.
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November 4th, 2008 9:03pm
Exchange 2007 is different with Exchange 2003. Exchange 2003 extends the SMTP components of IIS. Exchange 2007 has its own SMTP component.
Therefore, when you install Exchange 2007 Hub transport, it requires removing SMTP component of IIS. If you currently have SMTP component of IIS installed on Exchange Hub Transport server, the issue may occur. You need to remove the SMTP service of IIS and restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service to get the issue solved.
How to identify the issue:
When you telnet to Exchange 2007 Hub Transport server, you should get the following banner by default:
220 server.domain.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at time
Nevertheless, if you get following banner, it means the SMTP service is installed:
220 server.domain.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.3959 ready at time.
November 5th, 2008 10:51am
Thanks Mike and Willfor your responses. I just solvedit with your help. Usingyour instructions via telnet,yes I got the other banner. So, I stopped the IIS SMTP virtual server, restarted the transport service, and was able to successfully send my test message into the appropriate mailbox. Hip, hip, hooray !!! No more headaches, at least until the next crisis. Thanks again.
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November 6th, 2008 11:38pm