Echange Servr Config for Multiple domains
I'm looking to convert from another emailenvironment to Exchange. We are looking at a single forest and two domains.
I couldn't find any info on the impact of multiple domains on the Exchange Architecture.
I'm looking at setting up two Exchange mailbox servers per domain.
If I implement separate Hub, CAS and Edge servers and I want high availability, can any of these servers be set up handle the traffic for both domains (or to back up the other domain exchange server):
In other words do I need
2 x MBX Servers Domain 1
2 x Hub Servers Domain 1
2 x CAS Servers Domain 1
2 x Edge Servers Doman 1
2 x MBX Servers Domain 2
2 x Hub Servers Domain 2
2 x CAS Servers Domain 2
2 x Edge Servers Domain 2
OR can I implement
2 x MBX Servers Domain 1
2 x MBX Servers Domain 2
2 x Hub Servers for Domain 1 and 2
2 x CAS Servers for Domain 1 and 2
2 x Edge Servers for Domain 1 and 2
October 29th, 2008 11:21pm
Hi Bill,
Actually you need at least a Hub server and a CAS server in the AD sites where you install Mailbox server roles.
Introduction to Exchange 2007 Server Roles
If you are thinking about High Availability then you can look at below configuration.
1 CCR Domain1 2 nodes Mailbox server
1 NLB Cluster Domain1 2 nodes, on each CAS & Hub installed.
1 CCR Domain2 2 nodes Mailbox server
1 NLB Cluster Domain2 2 nodes, on each CAS & Hub installed.
Edge Servers you can put as per your mail flow topology.
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October 30th, 2008 6:25pm