EdgeCredentialSvc doesn't start on Exchange 2007 Edge Server
Good day.
Can you help me. I have a problem - Microsoft Exchange Credential Service failed to start on Edge Server. Exchange version is 2007 SP3RU1. When I try to start it manually i get a error id 7000 from Service Control Manager with text "The service did not respond
to the start or control request in a timely fashion". I checked ports beetween HUB and Edge. Ports opened. I tried to remove subscription and renew it - successfully. I tried to issue New-ExchangeCertificate for EDGE - successfully. Comandlets Test-EdgeSynchronization
and Start-EdgeSynchronization run without errors. I have no problems with sending/receiving mail throught the edge servers but I cannot start this service. I have two edge servers subscribed for the one AD site. Both edge servers have the same problem with
starting this service.
Can you help me to start it! :-)
October 21st, 2010 2:38am
Refer this ::
it’s a known issue that documented in the
KB 944752
Please use the “Create configuration files” section in the KB 944752:
Go to the Exchange installation folder on the Edge server (...\Exchange Server\Bin)
Create a configuration file named “EdgeCredentialSvc.exe.config”
Add the following text to the file:
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false" />
Please try to start “Microsoft Exchange Credential Service” service again
Workaround: Please follow
KB 839803 to increase the Service Control Manager Timeout value to 180000, which can avoid error “The service did not respond to the start or control request in a
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October 21st, 2010 5:45am
Anil, thank you very much!!! It works :-).
October 21st, 2010 8:57am