Edge Transport Server subscribing consequences
My edge selfsigned certificates expired in few days and I wonder whether a renew self signed certificate always involves resubscribing my Edge Transport Server?
What would be the consequence if self-signed or the Edge Transport Server subscribing aren't renewed in time ?
[PS] C:\>Get-ExchangeCertificate | fl
AccessRules : {System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule, System.Security.AccessControl
CertificateDomains : {SERV02, SERV02.COMPANY.COM}
HasPrivateKey : True
IsSelfSigned : True
Issuer : CN=SERV02
NotAfter : 23/04/2012 19:18:27
NotBefore : 23/04/2011 19:18:27
PublicKeySize : 2048
RootCAType : None
SerialNumber : 3C955D4FE50C8C4A66B306B0
Services : SMTP
Status : Valid
Subject : CN=SERV02
Thumbprint : A7B918F8FCCC4A26106ADE48A92C7A
Many Thanks,
April 2nd, 2012 2:53am
Renewing self signed certificate always involves resubscribing edge transport server Because old self signed key information are stored on each hub transport server.
If you don't renew the self signed certificate in time, There should not be impact to the mail flow. Edge synchronization will fail. Any new recipient information, andy modification or addition such as accepted domains etc...will not be synchronize to Edge
transport server due to this your new recipient will not be able to receive external emails.
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April 2nd, 2012 3:58am