Email Address Policy
We are a school and I would like two difference policies, One for students and One for teachers, the both have the same domain but on one I would like initial + lastname and on the other firstname + lastname. Both these groups are in AD, How do I apply the different policies to the the difference groups. I can create the difference policies but cannot workout how to apply them one to the teachers group and one to the students group.
December 9th, 2008 12:00pm
You can use the cmdlet new-EmailAddressPolicy with the -recipientfilter expression.
Example: (FirstName and LastName)
new-EmailAddressPolicy -name <name> -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates '' -includedrecipients mailboxusers -recipientfilter {(memberof -eq '<DN of Group>')}
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December 9th, 2008 2:11pm
pls read the following links:
how to create email address policy by EMS and EMC:
email address policy cmdlets
Hope it helps
December 9th, 2008 5:41pm