Email Address Policy - Custom Attribute - HELP
I need a help and If anyone can help me I appreciate:
- I have a Windows 2008 R2 Domain named, for example, x.local and the user´s email address is
- I have installed an Exchange 2010 and I will create the mailbox but I want to use the email that user has in his AD account in E-mail field, that is
- I need to change the Email Address Policy in Exchange 2010 and I intend to create a new e-mail address policy using Custom Attibute.
The question is, how can I configure in Custom Attribute to the Policy get the email address that is in E-mail field from user account?
Thanks for while.
June 24th, 2010 4:54pm
In the recipient policy simply specify the format which you like to use as e-mail address. It's not possible to copy a value to a recipient policy. However if is possible to copy the value of the e-mail field and use it as the primary e-mail but in that
case you shouldn't use recipient policies.
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June 24th, 2010 5:22pm
I need a help and If anyone can help me I appreciate:
- I have a Windows 2008 R2 Domain named, for example, x.local and the user´s email address is
- I have installed an Exchange 2010 and I will create the mailbox but I want to use the email that user has in his AD account in E-mail field, that is
- I need to change the Email Address Policy in Exchange 2010 and I intend to create a new e-mail address policy using Custom Attibute.
The question is, how can I configure in Custom Attribute to the Policy get the email address that is in E-mail field from user account?
Thanks for while.
1- Create EAP like this
New-EmailAddressPolicy -Name "southeast offices" -IncludedRecipients AllRecipients -ConditionalCustomAttribute1 "SomeValueHere" -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates "
2- Now assign custom attributes to your recipients, e.g on a set of mailboxes in an OU
Get-Mailbox OrganizationalUnit "\YourOU" -ResultSize Unlimited | Set-Mailbox CustomAttribute1 "SomeValueHere"
3- and then update the EAP, so that it assigns email addresses to recipients like this
Update-EmailAddressPolicy "southeast offices"
Note: Replace "SomeValueHere" with the value u want to put in the CustomAttribute1 of your recipients in above commands. You can also change "EnabledEmailAddressTemplates" to whatever you want, as far as it is a valid combination.
Hope that it help u.
RegardsLaeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
June 24th, 2010 5:34pm
Hi Johan,
thanks for the help.
Best Regards.
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June 25th, 2010 12:26pm
Hi Laeeq,
thanks for the help.
Best Regards.
June 25th, 2010 12:27pm
...trying to solve a related issue myself. Maybe something like this would work in Luiz case:
$usrProps = Get-aduser -Identity $luizuser
Set-Mailbox -Identity $luizuser -EmailAddresses @{Add=$usrProps.mail}
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September 11th, 2012 6:36pm