Email Aliases for multiple Users in OU
Dear All,
we have acquired a new domain on internet and want some users (all in one main OU) to set there new aliases.
e.g. if new domain is I want all users to be able to receive the emails on Please note that users already exists in the exchange. For new users I can set in EMC >> Hub Transport >> Email Policies.
Many Thanks
June 7th, 2012 6:57am
Agree with Leif. You can create a new EAP for users in that OU containing the new domain name and if you need it the existing name can be included too.
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June 7th, 2012 7:19am
Thanks for the prompt response,
I did the policy it worked but I need to change the priority but unable to do so. I followed the following link for changing priority,
I am unable to see the 'Change Priority' on right click. I can only see 'Apply, Edit, help' in EMC>>Hub Transport>> Email ADdress Policies.
Many Thanks
June 7th, 2012 7:57am
Verify that your account that you are using to make the change is in the Organization Administratiors security group.Jason Apt, Microsoft Certified Master | Exchange 2010
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June 7th, 2012 8:34am