Hi There,
Probably looking into intraorgprotocol logs will help you for sure
Run below command to see if the intraorgprotocollogginglevel is enabled or disabled
Get-Transportservice mbx2013servername |fl*intra*
Run the below command to enable verbose logging in intraorg connector
Set-Transportservice CAS2013servername intraorgprotocollogginglevel verbose
Below path is the location where we can see the logs recorded.
<installationdrive\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\Mailbox\Connectivity
After enabling them send an email from Exchange 2007 server and see the output of the results
Test email sent from Exchange 2007 user to Exchange 2013 user and vice versa for the logs to record
Apart from the above look into the queue viewer in Exchange 2007 server and do a message tracking and see the r