Email forwarding question
Hello All
New to the site/forums
I need to know if there is an easy way to tell if there is Email forwarding set for any of my 500 Exchange users. I dont want to have to go user by user.
Is there a Script/Command I can run in SHELL MANAGMENT to see if there is any email forwarding setup.
I know the next question will be Dont you remember if you set any users up for email forwarding and the answer is that I was assigned the Exchange duites this week after the admin got fired.
Any help would be great.
January 29th, 2008 10:03pm
There is *not* an easy way to see if a user is forwarding things using a rule, but YOU can see if the user is forwarded on the Exchange server's Delivery options tab. The forwarding address is stored as a "distinguished name" of the actual object to which mail is being forwarded. It is stored in the user's altRecipient attribute. You can run a report of ALL of your users by using something like CSVDE. Here is an example of a command you could run from your Domain Controller or Exchange server:
csvde -f c:\report.csv -r "(ObjectClass=user)" -l displayname,altRecipient
Open up the "report.csv" file in Excel and look at the altRecipient column. If anyone has an alternate recipient, it means they are being forwarded.
I'm sure there are MUCH more elegant ways to do this with VBScript, but this is the quickest and dirtiest way I could think of to do it in one-line. :-)
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January 31st, 2008 1:29am
The powershell alternative:
Code Snippet
Get-Mailbox | fl DisplayName, DeliverToMailboxAndForward, ForwardingAddress
For more info:
February 1st, 2008 12:58am