Email shows delivered, but can't be found
This problem has this long-time Exchange administrator shaking his head!
The setup: Exchange 2007, user using Outlook 2007
The problem: One external sender's email shows in Message Tracking as being delivered to a particular mailbox, yet it never can be found with any method I have used. Other recipients listed on the same email do receive the email just fine. This mailbox was
working with this particular sender and at some point, quit "receiving" the emails, although Message Tracking shows the last result as "DELIVER" for her mailbox. It is only this one incoming address that cannot be found, all others appear to be working fine.
Testing/Troubleshooting: I gave myself Full Access to the mailbox and opened with Outlook 2010 to use its better search tools to search the entire mailbox, nothing found. I tried having the sender use different subjects, etc., always the same result - shows
as delivered, but never can be found. I checked Junk Email, Deleted Items, used Outlook to look for removed Deleted items. I ran Outlook with the /cleanrules switch to remove any server-side rule that may have been there (I looked at the recipient's Outlook
2007 too, but there were no rules that she had set up anyway). Reran the tests, same result.
I can't think of anything else to do or test. I wish there were a tool that I could use to peek are server-side rules.
Anyone have any test or suggestion for me to try? This really is a puzzler.SnoBoy
October 8th, 2010 5:24pm
If you have full access to the mailbox you should be able to create a profile and open the mailbox as the primary instead of adding it as a secondary to your existing profile. With that you should have access to server side rules.
Does the user have old messages from this user? If you set up a search folder for those messages does it onyl show old ones from that source? If you send a test message by hand forging the sender does the same result occur?
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October 8th, 2010 5:37pm
Does it show up in OWA?[string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "
October 8th, 2010 5:52pm
On Fri, 8 Oct 2010 21:22:05 +0000, SnoBoy wrote:
>This problem has this long-time Exchange administrator shaking his head! The setup: Exchange 2007, user using Outlook 2007
>The problem: One external sender's email shows in Message Tracking as being delivered to a particular mailbox, yet it never can be found with any method I have used. Other recipients listed on the same email do receive the email just fine. This mailbox
was working with this particular sender and at some point, quit "receiving" the emails, although Message Tracking shows the last result as "DELIVER" for her mailbox. It is only this one incoming address that cannot be found, all others appear to be working
>Testing/Troubleshooting: I gave myself Full Access to the mailbox and opened with Outlook 2010 to use its better search tools to search the entire mailbox, nothing found. I tried having the sender use different subjects, etc., always the same result -
shows as delivered, but never can be found. I checked Junk Email, Deleted Items, used Outlook to look for removed Deleted items. I ran Outlook with the /cleanrules switch to remove any server-side rule that may have been there (I looked at the recipient's
Outlook 2007 too, but there were no rules that she had set up anyway). Reran the tests, same result.
>I can't think of anything else to do or test. I wish there were a tool that I could use to peek are server-side rules.
>Anyone have any test or suggestion for me to try? This really is a puzzler.
If the user exits Outlook and you send a message (just drop a properly
composed text file into the pickup directory) FROM that external
e-mail address to that user can you see the message in the inbox? You
said you started Outlook with /Cleanrules but that wouldn't kill any
client-side rules that moved the message to a PST unless you did that
on the users machine using their profile..
Have you disabled the "Outlook today" HTML page on the root of the
mailbox and looked to see if the message was in the mailbox root
What about Outlook's junk mail filter? Is the user in the safe-senders
list? If not, try adding it. Is the address (or domain) in the blocked
senders list?
Is the junk mail filter set to permanently delete the messages?
Using MFCMAIL would let you see the server-side rules, even if their
contents aren't understandable.
Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
--- Rich Matheisen MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 8th, 2010 9:57pm
This should defenitely be the issue with hidden rules. Use MFCMAPI and find the hidden rules and delete them.Never giveup till you get what to want.
October 8th, 2010 10:33pm
On Sat, 9 Oct 2010 01:55:33 +0000, Rich Matheisen [MVP] wrote:
>Using MFCMAIL would let you see the server-side rules,
ACK! That should be MFCMAPI. How embarrassing!
Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
--- Rich Matheisen MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 9th, 2010 12:17am
please check in the junk items folder. at times the users have rules to delete any junk email they get
so email does not at all apear in junk item .. gets cleaned by the rule they have created
export and delete rules and check if the now see email from that sender
October 9th, 2010 3:41pm
please check in the junk items folder. at times the users have rules to delete any junk email they get
so email does not at all apear in junk item .. gets cleaned by the rule they have created
export and delete rules and check if the now see email from that sender
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 9th, 2010 10:39pm
Dang, I marked this to alert me, but alas, no alerts! So I just saw these replies.
Even though there were no junk email rules or auto-archive settings for any email and even though I never found any trace of the email in junk e-mail, deleted items or even in retrieving "permanently" deleted email, putting a safe sender for that one
incoming address did allow a test message to actually land in the inbox.
Thanks to all who replied!SnoBoy
October 12th, 2010 3:37pm
If of any help, you could try one of those search add-ins for Outlook: I made good experiences then with Lookout and now with
Not the most common solution, however it could solve your issue...?
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October 14th, 2010 2:26pm