Enable search - Webmail User Issue
Hi All,
I have a unique problem, when users search there emails through OWA they are not able to see the mails for past week, however they are able to see emails past that week, ie.; this weeks mails not showing in OWA search result however rest of the earlier mails
are showing.
When i ran the command:
test-exchangesearch user i get the results as false and -1
Now i know that search is not enabled for this mailbox user.
I want to know the following:-
1) How to see if the search / indexing for emails is working on whole DB / storage group / all mailboxes
2) how to enable / disable indexing for a particular mailbox
This is urgent please
Thank youApoorv Mehrotra
June 5th, 2012 4:57am
Does it works in Outlook?
Is it DAG environment or stand alone server? Issue could be with Content Indexing!Gulab Prasad,
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June 5th, 2012 5:26am
I did not check in outlook as this user always checks through OWA. I am using 2007 exchange
I have deleted the previous by following the below process:-
1) Stop Microsoft Exchange Search Index
2) Delete the current index with resetsearchindex.ps1 firstdb
and then the Microsoft exchange search service automatically started
Than i ran the command
Set-MailboxDatabase firstdb -indexenabled:$true
and checked that the index state is now enabled for the entire DB but the search is still showing disabled for the particular user using command
test-exchangesearch mailbox still the results were false and -1Apoorv Mehrotra
June 5th, 2012 6:11am
and just now i ended up deleting the catalog for both my storage groups.. how much time it should take to build the entire index catalog for both DB?Apoorv Mehrotra
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June 5th, 2012 7:25am
How about the below KB
The Outlook Web Access search function does not work for some users in Exchange 2007
Hope it works
CheersZi Feng
TechNet Community Support
June 6th, 2012 4:16am
Pls read this thread till end...
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvradmin/thread/02cd38f9-b4d2-4068-a317-c6b2ad72639a/Apoorv Mehrotra
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June 6th, 2012 4:22am