Enabling PASSWORD Command button in OWA
How to Enable"Change Password Command Button"in OWA i am using mxs03/Sp2
Steps Performed
1) i had changed the registry Dword=0 and re-started the server fails...
2) Add the IISADMPWD doesnot work
Regards... Blessings.....RASA
January 29th, 2009 6:16am
HI ,there's a KB Q297121 on Microsoft explaining it in Detailed http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/297121i have implemented the same and its working properly Jasminder Batalia
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January 30th, 2009 8:36am
Hi Rabbani,Have you restarted IIS Admin and Exchange IS services and checked? Also try restarting the server....Amit Tank | MVP - Exchange | MCITP:EMA MCSA:M | http://ExchangeShare.WordPress.com
January 30th, 2009 9:28am
Do u get any error message or is the 'change password' button missing?
Refer http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894825- IIS 6.0 Troubleshooting
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January 30th, 2009 3:57pm
1. With Outlook Web Access for OWA 2003 and OWA 2007
We can run Set-CASMailbox -identity adam@contoso.com - OWAChangePasswordEnabled:$True to enable password changing feature for OWA 2007.
Note: After that, please check if other features have been disabled. We may need to enable other features again.
If that do not work, then we can follow the article below to implement IISADMPWD virtual directory for OWA 2003 and OWA 2007.
Implementing the Change Password feature with Outlook Web Access
Besides, please note and select "Active Server Pages" as a web extension.
2. With OWA published via ISA
The change password feature is supported when clients input credentials using forms-based authentication, and ISA Server validates credentials using Windows (Active Directory) authentication or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication.
In the property pages of the Web listener you create for use in the rule that will publish Outlook Web Access, configure the option for users to change their password. Additionally, configure an expiry countdown warning.
Configuring and Troubleshooting the Password Change Feature in ISA Server 2006
Password Change with FBAhttps://blogs.technet.com/isablog/archive/2007/08/23/password-change-with-fba.aspx
February 2nd, 2009 6:16am
Hello Jasminder I have gone throughwith the KB as you suggest but i would like to share some itemsi am using Exch03 and SP2 with FE and BE scenarioThe KB speaks about Registries i had changes the registry value in in FRont endmy question isdo i have to create the registry in Backend server too as shown in KB?Let assume i have created the registry in BE then "Change Password" command button appears?God Blessings
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February 2nd, 2009 8:01am
Hi,I think we need to implemet this feature on front-end only.Regards,Xiu
February 2nd, 2009 8:55am
Hi,No errorseverythings is fine except the "Change password" command button is missingRASA
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February 2nd, 2009 8:59am
HiYes logically it is to be implemented on the FE servereven though the Command button is missing in OWARASA
February 2nd, 2009 9:02am