Error connecting to Exchange 2007 with Vista
I am trying to connect to Exchange 2007 with Outlook 2007 on a Vista box, connected on a test domain. When I go through the setup on Outlook, I get to the auto account setup and it pulls the name from AD just fine. When I click next to try and configure the email server settings, I get the following error: "The connection to Microsoft Exchagne is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action". I believe it is a DNS issue because when I click the OK button it takes me to a a screen where it asks for the Exchange Server name and the mailbox. When I change the name of the Exchange Server and click check name it resolves. I have gone through my DNS settings and everything looks good, albeit I am a novice. What could be the issue? I'd be happy to provide any followup info. Thanks!
July 14th, 2008 5:08pm
Do you have Web services configured? Auto Acount setup require Web Services to be configured. You may test Web Services using the 'TestWebServicesConnectivity' cmdlet.
More info on the cmdlet:
Confirguring Web Services:
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July 14th, 2008 5:36pm
I ran the command "test-webservicesconnectivity" and this was the output:
Test-WebServicesConnectivity: Could not find or log on with user NBA.local\CAS_c09eec7c450843c7. If this task is being run without credentials, log on as a Domain Administrator, and then run the new-TestCasConnectivityUser.ps1 to verify that the user exists on Mailbox server NBAEXC.NBA.local
I am using a domain admin account. I tried to run the new-testCAS....but I don't think I understand the syntax of that cmdlet. Let me know what you think...NBA.local is my test....makes it easy to create users, lol
July 14th, 2008 5:53pm
Are they different forests? If yes and both are trusted forest then you need to configure the AutoDiscover service for corss forest.
How to Configure the Autodiscover Service for Multiple Forests
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July 14th, 2008 6:14pm
It is a basic setup 1 forest 1 child domain: NBA.local. I didn't create .local, and then NBA as a child, I did all of it at startup.
July 14th, 2008 8:16pm
Hi Jon,
Thank you for posting your issue in our Exchange forum. And also thank Jeremy and Amit for your positive answers and support on the forum.
After viewing the whole thread, I understand that two issues are waiting for resolving. I would like to list them at below.
1. While trying to get auto account setup in Outlook 2007, the exact error message the connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action was received. You can manually setup the account by type the exchange server name.
2. while running the PowerShell cmdlet "test-webservicesconnectivity, you got an error message Could not find or log on with user NBA.local\CAS_c09eec7c450843c7
If anything is missing, please feel free let me know.
Firstly, I would like to resolve the second issue about the "test-webservicesconnectivity. The error tell us that the test account may not setup. we need use the TESTCASCONNECTIVITYUSER.PS1 script to generate this account. The solution is below:
For solving "test-webservicesconnectivity problem
1. Within PowerShell, please navigate to the location where TESTCASCONNECTIVITYUSER.PS1 resides. The default location: Drive_Letter:\Program Files\Microsoft Exchange Server\Scripts
Suppose installation partition is C, and then the cmdlet to access the location should be
Code Snippetcd c:\Program Files\Microsoft Exchange Server\Scripts
2. After accessing the folder in Powershell, please type
3. Then press enter.
4. Please Enter Password. Type as you liked.
5. Press Enter again to continue, then it will generate the account and at last to list the account information.
6. After finishing above, please run
Code Snippettest-webservicesconnectivity
again, it should work this time.
BTW, please let me know if web services are tested successful by using the command.
Regarding our original issue, it can be caused by several causes. Before troubleshooting any further, I appreciate your help to clarify and confirm the following questions.
1. Whether you test auto account (we call it auto discover) on domain or not? If not on domain, you may test to configure outlook and let me know if auto discover works on domain. If you meant to configure outlook not on domain, we may scope the issue to outlook anywhere issue, so please help clarify it.
2. Though I notice that you said you have one forest and one child domain, Im not clear about it. Whether you mean two domains in the forest and they are parent-child relation? Or you may wanted to express that you only have one domain NAB.local in the forest? the domain.local is Microsoft recommend domainname form which is used to identify local and public name.
Waiting for your quick reply. Thanks.
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July 17th, 2008 7:05am
I am not sure what the correct teminology is, so I well get back with you shortly...
July 17th, 2008 5:05pm
When I started DCPROMO, I checked new forest, and named it NBA.local. So what do you call that?
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July 17th, 2008 5:12pm
On the first step, I followed your instructions and got the following:
Result: Failure
Error: []: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. Inner error [System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException]: The remote certificate is invalid accourding to the validation procedure.
Sorry bout the wait!
July 18th, 2008 11:39pm
Based on the latest error indicates, I think this problem is caused by the certificate issue. I have encountered many Auto-discover(For Outlook anywhere) not works issues which are mostly related to invalid or mismatched certificate.
Generally, if we only have one website (default website) in the Internet information Service(IIS) on Exchange CAS Server, OWA virtually directory should have the same external certificate and URL with the Auto-discover web service, so please check if you will also encounter an invalid certificate error while login OWA from external. Please let me know it.
Herein, since the certificate is really some complicated. I would like to show my sight about the Au-discover and certificate issue. In fact, For internal user, Auto-discover service use SCP directly to get the Autodiscover.xml from AD, so its not necessary to issue a certificate. However, For external user to setup auto account, outlook try accessing auto-discover service at IIS though external URL with SSL, so the certificate for external URL should be issued. Generally, the auto-discover service and OWA virtual directory is under same Default website, Certificate should be the same except you have another website to hold OWA virtual directory (I do not recommend this way). So the certificate domain should include the external URL domain, if not, the invalid certificate will occur and SSL secure channel cannot be connected.
Based on this current situation, you may need to verify the Certificate domain, please let me know the following CmdLet response information. Please attach the information on this thread.
get-exchangecertificate |fl
meanwhile, please let me know your OWA external URL.
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July 22nd, 2008 5:46am