Error during /mode:recoverserver
Hello all, I receive the following error message: C:\Documents and Settings\adm_blalvlbl>"C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1" /mode:recoverserver Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unattended Setup Preparing Exchange Setup The following server roles will be recovered Client Access Role Management Tools Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server Copying Exchange files ......................... COMPLETED Client Access Server Role ......................... FAILED Data at the root level is invalid. Line 2, position 1. Any ideas? This happens on a Windows 2003 x64 with SP2. No SR2! With very kind regards, Willem-Jan
May 29th, 2011 4:54am

Hello The Sting Pilot, I guess you are running this process on DC where Exchange is installed! Are you running it with Exchange DVD or Setup File? Download new Set of Setup File and run it again. Check the application log and see if you have any information there and post it. Check the ExchangeSetup Log and post the information from it. Download Exchange 2007 SP1 Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010 | MCITP: Exchange 2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 29th, 2011 9:59am

Hello Gulab, The logfile; [30-5-2011 15:04:16] [0] ********************************************** [30-5-2011 15:04:16] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange 2007 Setup [30-5-2011 15:04:16] [0] ********************************************** [30-5-2011 15:04:16] [0] Operating System version: Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2. [30-5-2011 15:04:16] [0] Setup version: 8.1.436.0. [30-5-2011 15:04:16] [0] Logged on user: domainname\adm_willemjan. [30-5-2011 15:04:17] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='nologo', Value=''. [30-5-2011 15:04:17] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='RecoverServer'. [30-5-2011 15:04:17] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1'. [30-5-2011 15:04:17] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''. [30-5-2011 15:04:17] [0] ExSetup was started with the following command: '/NoLogo /mode:recoverserver /sourcedir:C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1 /FromSetup'. [30-5-2011 15:04:18] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use [30-5-2011 15:04:18] [0] Setup is choosing a local domain controller... [30-5-2011 15:04:19] [0] Setup has chosen the local domain controller DC01.domainname.local for initial queries [30-5-2011 15:04:19] [0] PrepareAD has been run, and has replicated to this domain controller; so setup will use DC01.domainname.local [30-5-2011 15:04:19] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog... [30-5-2011 15:04:19] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server DC01.domainname.local. [30-5-2011 15:04:19] [0] Setup will use the domain controller 'DC01.domainname.local'. [30-5-2011 15:04:19] [0] Setup will use the global catalog 'DC01.domainname.local'. [30-5-2011 15:04:19] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domainname,DC=local'. [30-5-2011 15:04:19] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=<OrgName>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domainname,DC=local'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'EXCHANGSERVER_FS09'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Exchange Server object found : 'CN=EXCHANGSERVER_FS09,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=<OrgName>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domainname,DC=local'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] The following roles are unpacked: ClientAccessRole AdminToolsRole [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] The following roles are installed: [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] The local server has some Exchange files installed. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1' for installing Exchange. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Setup will discover the installed roles from server object 'CN=EXCHANGSERVER_FS09,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=<OrgName>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domainname,DC=local'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] 'ClientAccessRole' is installed on the server object. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] The server is cluster type: 'None'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] The requested cluster type: 'None'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'DisasterRecovery'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] An Exchange organization with name '<OrgName>' was found in this forest. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'True'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] The locally installed version is [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Exchange Installation Directory : 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\'. [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] DisasterRecoveryModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] The following server roles will be recovered [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Client Access Role [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Management Tools [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Validating options for the 2 requested roles [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] ************** [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [0] Setup will run the task 'install-msipackage' [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [1] Setup launched task 'install-msipackage -logfile 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\ExchangeSetup.msilog' -targetdirectory 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -features 'ClientAccess','AdminTools' -packagepath 'C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1\exchangeserver.msi' -updatesdir 'C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1\Updates' -PropertyValues 'DISABLEERRORREPORTING=1 PRODUCTLANGUAGELCID=1033 DEFAULTLANGUAGENAME=ENU DEFAULTLANGUAGELCID=1033 INSTALLCOMMENT="Installed language for this product: English (United States)"'' [30-5-2011 15:04:20] [1] Beginning processing. [30-5-2011 15:04:25] [1] ProductCode is '24b2c164-de66-44fe-b468-a46d9d5e6b31'. [30-5-2011 15:04:25] [1] PackagePath was set to 'C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1\exchangeserver.msi'; normalizing to 'C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1\exchangeserver.msi'. [30-5-2011 15:04:30] [1] ProductCode is '24b2c164-de66-44fe-b468-a46d9d5e6b31'. [30-5-2011 15:04:30] [1] Installing MSI package 'C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1\exchangeserver.msi'. [30-5-2011 15:05:03] [1] Ending processing. [30-5-2011 15:05:03] [0] ************** [30-5-2011 15:05:03] [0] Setup will run the task 'DisasterRecovery-ClientAccessRole' [30-5-2011 15:05:03] [1] Setup launched task 'DisasterRecovery-ClientAccessRole -DomainController 'DC01.domainname.local' -updatesdir 'C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1\Updates'' [30-5-2011 15:05:03] [1] Beginning processing. [30-5-2011 15:05:03] [1] Attempting DisasterRecovery for ClientAccessRole. [30-5-2011 15:05:03] [1] The following roles are current: [30-5-2011 15:05:04] [1] Reading components for role 'ClientAccessRole' from 'res://ClientAccessRoleDefinition.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:04] [1] Found 25 components [30-5-2011 15:05:05] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 10 task info blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:05] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task info blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:06] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 30 task info blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:06] [1] Loaded component 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://ClientAccessLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:07] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 2 task info blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:08] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 9 task info blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:08] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 14 task info blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:09] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://LegacyRegistryMarkersComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:10] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Perf Counters' with 8 task info blocks from 'res://ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:10] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Configuration' with 8 task info blocks from 'res://ClientAccessComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:11] [1] Loaded component 'OWA Configuration' with 9 task info blocks from 'res://ClientAccessOwaComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:11] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Services Configuration' with 18 task info blocks from 'res://ServicesComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:12] [1] Loaded component 'POP/IMAP Configuration' with 12 task info blocks from 'res://PopImapComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:12] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:13] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task info blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:13] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:14] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 5 task info blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:15] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service OAB Perf Counters' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://FDS_OAB_PerfCountersComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:15] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service Configuration' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://FileDistributionServiceComponent.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:16] [1] Loaded component 'ClientAccessExchangeCertificate' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://ClientAccessExchangeCertificate.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:16] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 2 task info blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:17] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Service Control' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://ClientAccessServiceControl.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:17] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:18] [1] Loaded component 'File distribution Service Control' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://FileDistributionServiceControl.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 4 task info blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common First' because it is marked AlwaysExecute [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Common Perf Counters ' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Provision Server' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access Perf Counters' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'OWA Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access Services Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'POP/IMAP Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Data Storage Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Service Host Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'File Distribution Service OAB Perf Counters' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'File Distribution Service Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'ClientAccessExchangeCertificate' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access Service Control' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'Service Host Service Control' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding unique component 'File distribution Service Control' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common Last' because it is marked AlwaysExecute [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] The following roles are installed: [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\DisasterRecovery-ClientAccessRole-20110530-1505190107.ps1' [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleInvocationID = "20110530-1505190107"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleInvocationID = "20110530-1505190107"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleDomainController = "DC01.domainname.local"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleDomainController = "DC01.domainname.local"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleInstallationMode = "DisasterRecovery"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleInstallationMode = "DisasterRecovery"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleBinPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleBinPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleLoggedOnUser = "domainname\adm_willemjan"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleLoggedOnUser = "domainname\adm_willemjan"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleIsClusterNode = $False', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleIsClusterNode = $False'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleLoggingPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Logging"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleLoggingPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Logging"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RolePreviousVersion = ""', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RolePreviousVersion = ""'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleNetBIOSName = "EXCHANGSERVER_FS09"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleNetBIOSName = "EXCHANGSERVER_FS09"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleProductPlatform = "amd64"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleProductPlatform = "amd64"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleInstallPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleInstallPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleRoleName = "ClientAccessRole"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleRoleName = "ClientAccessRole"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleFqdnOrName = "EXCHANGSERVER_FS09.domainname.local"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleFqdnOrName = "EXCHANGSERVER_FS09.domainname.local"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleUpdatesDir = "C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1\Updates"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleUpdatesDir = "C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1\Updates"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleSetupLoggingPath = "C:\ExchangeSetupLogs"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleSetupLoggingPath = "C:\ExchangeSetupLogs"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing '$RoleTargetVersion = "8.1.436.0"', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleTargetVersion = "8.1.436.0"'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Setup failed previously while performing the action DisasterRecovery. Looking for the failed task with ID 214f79da. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Found 116 tasks to execute [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' (Configuring the server.). [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Executing 'Remove-XmlNode -XmlFileRelativePath "Scripts\" -XmlFileName "Exchange2007.xml" -XmlNodeNameToRemove "_locDefinition";', handleError = False [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); Remove-XmlNode -XmlFileRelativePath "Scripts\" -XmlFileName "Exchange2007.xml" -XmlNodeNameToRemove "_locDefinition";'. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Beginning processing. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] ExchangeInstallPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\, Relative Path = Scripts\, Xml Full File Path = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts\Exchange2007.xml, Xml Node Name = _locDefinition [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] [ERROR] Unexpected Error [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] [ERROR] Data at the root level is invalid. Line 2, position 1. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [2] Ending processing. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 2, position 1. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 2, position 1. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e) at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace() at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent() at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc) at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader) at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(String filename) at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.RemoveXmlNode.InternalProcessRecord() [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] [ERROR] Data at the root level is invalid. Line 2, position 1. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Setup is halting task execution because of one or more errors in a critical task. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [1] Ending processing. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [0] The Exchange Server Setup operation did not complete. For more information, visit and enter the Error ID. [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [0] End of Setup [30-5-2011 15:05:19] [0] ********************************************** If you need more info: please let me know! With kind regards, Willem-Jan
May 30th, 2011 9:25am

Did you tried the steps i posted, cause i don't see any update on it.Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010 | MCITP: Exchange 2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 30th, 2011 9:33am

Did you tried the steps i posted, cause i don't see any update on it. Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010 | MCITP: Exchange 2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog: Hello Gulab, I did already have the SP1 installer (and its files). They have been extracted to "C:\MS Exchange 2007 x64 SP1" of the Exchange server which has to be recovered. It is also the same set of install files. From there I start /mode:recoverserver. It is not on a DC. It is on a 'normal' server. The server has exactly the same name as the previous Exchange server. With very kind regards... Willem-Jan
May 30th, 2011 9:41am

Now, do you have .EDB file from the server which crashed? If yes than what i would do is i would reinstall the server from the scratch and mount that old database on to the new server. I wouldn't waste anymore time troubleshooting it. until or unless i have all the time in this world ;) Keeping in mind that you will have to configure the CAS and HT service [ If they were running on the same hardware] Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010 | MCITP: Exchange 2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 30th, 2011 9:51am

Now, do you have .EDB file from the server which crashed? If yes than what i would do is i would reinstall the server from the scratch and mount that old database on to the new server. I wouldn't waste anymore time troubleshooting it. until or unless i have all the time in this world ;) Keeping in mind that you will have to configure the CAS and HT service [ If they were running on the same hardware] Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010 | MCITP: Exchange 2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog: Hello Gulab, Fortunately it is only a CAS server. So no worries about mssing mailboxes and other stuff. It is also mentioned in my first post: The following server roles will be recovered Client Access Role Management Tools But if you have any ideas: I am glad to hear! With kind regards... Willem-Jan
May 30th, 2011 9:57am

Hello, I have downloaded the servicepack again and extracted to a folder on the C: drive. From there I started the recoverserver action again. The same error message appears. With very kind regards, Willem-Jan
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 1st, 2011 3:46am

AS its a CAS server, i am guessing that its on separate hardware with just CAS Role Installed, Let me know if i am right! If i am right than the quick and easy option is to Reinstall it rather than wasting time in /RecoverServerGulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010 | MCITP: Exchange 2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog:
June 1st, 2011 4:26am

Hi Willem, If the CAS role installed on a separate hardware, Gulab’s suggestion (reinstall the CAS server) is a good way to resolve the problem. This may corrupt in xml files, you also can follow these steps to have a try: 1. Check the Exchange 2007.xml file in this path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts 2. Copy the same xml file from other server (Exchange 2007 SP1) or Exchange setup files. 3. Replace Exchange 2007.xml file and then try /mode:recoverserver again. Thanks, Evan Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 2nd, 2011 10:08am

here is what you do when m:/recover server fails Thank youDhruv
June 4th, 2011 1:04pm

Hello all, Thank you all for your help. This issue is still not solved. Is it possible to remove the server with adsiedit.msc from CN=Servers,CN=CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=CN=Administrative Groups, CN=<OrgName>.CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=ServicesCN=Configuration,DC=<domain>,DC=local. Or does het creates more issues than it solves? With kind regards, The Sting Pilot
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 6th, 2011 9:54am

Yes you can remove it from Adsiedit.Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010-2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog:
June 6th, 2011 10:24am

Yes you can remove it from Adsiedit. Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010-2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog: Hello Gulab, I have removed the server with adsiedit. Now I can reinstall the server (there is some junk on it now) and I will do a fresh install. Also I would like to thank everybody helping me solving this issue. With very kind regards... Willem-Jan
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 6th, 2011 10:49am

Post the Junks you are getting. We all will be ready to helpGulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010-2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog:
June 6th, 2011 11:05am

Post the Junks you are getting. We all will be ready to help Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010-2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog: The 'junk': de Exchange management console. It cannot be uninstalled because the uninstaller says that there is no Exchange product installed. It does'nt matter, I fresh installation of Windows will solve that issue! With kind regards... Willem-Jan
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 6th, 2011 2:05pm

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