Error in Help for get-popsettings
There is a significant error in the Help file for get-popsettings. The content of the Usage section and the content of the Parameters section are substantively different.It looks like the Parameters section is in error since(get-command get-popsettings).definitionagrees with the content of the Usage section in the Help file.
August 10th, 2006 11:43pm
hi Andrew.
Thanks for reporting that. The help for Get-PopSettings has been cleaned up...all of the deprecated parameters have been removed.
FYI...We refreshed our online help content last week.The updated help for that cmdlet was included in that refresh. See:
That takes you directly to the help topic for Get-PopSettings.
You can access the full help content using this link:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 11th, 2006 2:19am
Thanks David,Comparing the new pop-settings help at the link you give answers the question I just asked on the Help thread you started. It is clear that the online Help is now the most up to date version and is now newer than the Help that came with Beta 2.Thanks again.
August 11th, 2006 12:04pm