Error in OWA (
In owa, when I try to open settings to add delivery notification I get this error both in IE 7 & 8. Windows 2008 x64+exchange 2007 sp1 with all updates.I didn't migrate from 2003. And I tried first step from here it didn't help.Client Information------------------User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)CPU Class: x86Platform: Win32System Language: ruUser Language: ruCookieEnabled: trueMime Types:
Exception Details-----------------Date: Tue Apr 14 17:43:01 UTC+0400 2009Message: 'onClsMOpt' is undefinedUrl: https://exch1/owa/8.1.340.0/scripts/premium/fedtmsg.jsLine: 15
Call Stack----------ldMOptDlgScr()cbLdMOptDlg(oR)oR = [object Object] sBody = <!-- Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. --><!-- OwaPage = ASP.forms_premium_messageoptionsdialog_aspx -->
<div class=h id=divMOptScrpt>L_MOpt = "";L_Close = "";</div><div class="moSctHdr"><div class="moSctTxt"> </div></div><div class="moSctBdy"><table><tr> <td></td> <td> <select id="selImp"> <option value="0"></option> <option value="1"></option> <option value="2"></option> </select> </td></tr><tr> <td></td> <td> <select id="selSens"> <option value="0"></option> <option value="1"></option> <option value="2"></option> <option value="3"></option> </select> </td></tr><tr> <td></td> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="chkBcc"><label for="chkBcc"> ""</label> </td></tr></table></div><div class="moSctHdr"><div class="moSctTxt"> </div></div><div class="moSctBdy"><input type="checkbox" id="chkDvRcp"> <label for="chkDvRcp"> </label><br><input type="checkbox" id="chkRdRcp"> <label for="chkRdRcp"> </label><br><br></div>
<div id="dlgOptScrt" style="display:none"></div>
<div class="moSctHdr"><div class="moSctTxt"> </div></div><div class="moTp"><img src="8.1.340.0/themes/base/options.gif" align=absmiddle> "" .</div>
oReq = [object Object] oCtx = 0 oXmlHttp = iStatus = 200 fST = false iCT = 1cbOeReq(oReqFac)oReqFac = [object Object] oXmlHttp = iXmlVer = 2 sUrl = ev.owa?oeh=1&ns=EditMessage&ev=LOD oCtx = [object Object] iIdx = 3 fExp = false fLock = true cb = function cbOeReq(oReqFac){var oRsp=new oeResp(oReqFac);var oXH=oRsp.oXmlHttp;if(oXH.status==200){var er=oXH.getResponseHeader("X-OWA-EventResult");if(er=="0"){}else if(er=="1"){var oDiv=document.createElement("div");oDiv.innerHTML=oRsp.sBody;var oErr=oDiv.all["err"];oRsp.sErr=oErr._msg;oRsp.iErr=0;if(oErr._cd)oRsp.iErr=getInt(oErr._cd);var divDbg=oDiv.all["debugInfo"];if(divDbg)oRsp.sErrDbg=divDbg.outerHTML;var divCustom=oDiv.all["divCstInfo"];if(divCustom)oRsp.divCustom=divCustom;}else {oRsp.sErr=L_IntErr;}}else {oRsp.sErr=getHttpErr(oXH.status);}--g_iRC;if(oReqFac.oCtx.cb){if(!oReqFac.oCtx.cb(oRsp))updCmp(window,oRsp);}return oRsp;}cbReqFac(iIdx)iIdx = 3anonymous()-----------------------function anonymous() {cbReqFac(3)}-----------------------
Dump Event----------recordset = nulltype = errorfromElement = nulltoElement = nullaltLeft = falsekeyCode = 0repeat = falsereason = 0data = behaviorCookie = 0source = nullcontentOverflow = falsebehaviorPart = 0uri = dataTransfer = nullctrlKey = falseshiftLeft = falsedataFld = returnValue = undefinedqualifier = wheelDelta = 0bookmarks = nullbutton = 0srcFilter = nullnextPage = cancelBubble = falsex = 0y = 0srcElement = nullscreenX = 484screenY = 173srcUrn = origin = boundElements = [object HTMLCollection]clientX = 447clientY = 15propertyName = shiftKey = falsectrlLeft = falseoffsetX = 0offsetY = 0altKey = falseerrorMessage = 'onClsMOpt' is undefinederrorUrl = https://exch1/owa/8.1.340.0/scripts/premium/fedtmsg.jserrorLine = 15errorCharacter = 192errorCode = 0Noone can help me? :((
April 14th, 2009 4:50pm
Hi,I'd like to know if you can send/recieve mail in OWA. The error only occur when you click "option" for OWA?Besides,please follow the next four steps to try to solve the problem.Regards,Xiu
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April 16th, 2009 6:59am