I get the above error when running the following query
SELECT Sum(IIf([vat],[takings]/[rate],[takings])) AS Total, DatePart('ww',[weekendingdate],2,2) AS WeekNo, Year([getVAT_Rate]![weekendingdate]) AS [Year]
FROM [business units] INNER JOIN (departments INNER JOIN getVAT_Rate ON departments.department = getVAT_Rate.department) ON [business units].buID = departments.bus_unit
WHERE (((cint(DatePart('yyyy',[weekendingdate])))=cint(2013)))
GROUP BY DatePart('ww',[weekendingdate],2,2), Year([getVAT_Rate]![weekendingdate]);
getVAT_Rate is another query as follows
SELECT (select top 1 VAT_Rate from VAT_Rates where VAT_Rates.VAT_Date <= t.ZTotalDate order by VAT_Rates.VAT_Date desc) AS Rate, * FROM [n-weeklytransactions] AS t;
The error does not point to a part of the query.