Error message when opening up email
We have oneperson that works remotely and has a wireless laptop.He is out of state. This am when hetried to open up his emails he got the following error: "Not fully downloaded by the server, would you like to mark this message".He clicked yes and the messageopened up without any issues.
When I dialed into his machine, I could not duplicate the message. When they tried to duplicate it locally and reopen the message, they could not open it either.
Any ideas?
January 30th, 2009 5:20pm
Please describe the environment, exchange version and outlook version
Which type of account does problematic user use, exchange, POP3 or IMAP4?
When you said that message cant be duplicated, do you mean that message cant be copied to another location and open? If so, whats the error info when we try to move and open it?
Does the issue only happen on single message and single user?
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February 2nd, 2009 6:05am
The environment is microsoft XP, Exchange 2007 no sp, Outlook 2007, MAP1, Windows Server 2003 R2
When they attemped to open it, before it would open ita notice came up of"Not fully downloaded by the server, would you like to mark this message".No one else in our company has ever experience this type of issue. I could not duplicate the error when attempting to open it on the one persons machine or his owa account.
Yes it is a single user.
They have not had any issues sending and after this one instance of having an issue of opening up messages, there has not been any more problems.
February 2nd, 2009 9:50pm