[PS] C:\EMTshooter>.\EMTshooter.ps1
Welcome to the Exchange Management Troubleshooter!
We recommend that you run the troubleshooter after making changes to
IIS to ensure that connectivity to Exchange Powershell is unaffected.
Checking IIS Service...
Checking the Exchange Install Path variable...
Checking the Powershell Virtual Directory...
Checking the Powershell vdir SSL setting...
Checking the Powershell vdir path setting...
Checking HTTP Port 80...
Checking HTTP Port 80 Host Name...
Testing for errors...
VERBOSE: Connecting to OHS-EXCHFE.Mail.orange.k12.nj.us
[ohs-exchfe.mail.orange.k12.nj.us] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM clien
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (System.Manageme....RemoteRunspace:RemoteRunspace) [], PSRemotingTransportExcep
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PSSessionOpenFailed
The Exchange Management Troubleshooter successfully completed connecting to:
Failed to connect to any Exchange Server in the current site.
Problem found:
Looking for error...
These are the possible causes for this error:
1. If the WSMan module entry is missing from the global modules section of the
C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv\config\ApplicationHost.config file, as follows:
<add name="WSMan" image="C:\Windows\system32\wsmsvc.dll" />
This will result in the WSMan module displaying as a Managed module on the PowerShell virtual directory.
To correct this, make sure that the WSMan module has been registered (but not enabled) at the Server level, and has been
enabled on the PowerShell virtual directory. Confirm that the WSMan entry exists in the Global Section of the Applicat
ionHost.config file as shown above.
2. Remote PowerShell uses Kerberos to authenticate the user connecting. IIS implements this Kerberos authentication met
hod via a native module. In IIS Manager, if you go to the PowerShell Virtual Directory and then look at the Modules, you
should see Kerbauth listed as a Native Module, with the dll location pointing to \Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Serv
er\v14\Bin\kerbauth.dll. If the Kerbauth module shows up as a Managed module instead of Native, or if the Kerbauth modul
e has been loaded on the Default Web Site level (instead of, or in addition to, the PowerShell virtual directory), you c
an experience this issue. To correct this, make sure that the Kerbauth module is not enabled on the Default Web Site, bu
t is only enabled on the PowerShell virtual directory. The entry type of "Local" indicates that the Kerbauth module was
enabled directly on this level, and not inherited from a parent.
3. The Path of the Powershell virtual directory has been modified. The PowerShell virtual directory must point to the
"\Exchange Server\v14\ClientAccess\PowerShell"
directory or you will encounter problems.
After each error is resolved, close this window and re-run the tool to check for additional problems.