Eseutil - Understanding the results
I've been experiencing a problem lately with messages originating from Entourage/Exchange Clientsbeing delivered blank. I decided to run eseutil /g against my info stores to see if there was any problems with the edb or stm files. After running Eseutil /G the storename.Integ.RAW results file contained results similar to the following:-
1-2F:12156:integrity-check of table "1-2F" (1642) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 0 secondsFolders:12156:checking table "Folders" (10)Folders:12156:checking long value tree (181)Msg:7356:checking table "Msg" (21)1-1028CB2:11392:checking table "1-1028CB2" (144227)1-1028CB2:11392:checking data1-1028CB2:11392:checking index "MsgFolderIndexPtagDeletedOn" (144232)1-1028CB2:11392:checking index "MsgFolderIndexURLCompNamePostfix" (144231)1-1028CB2:11392:checking index "RuleMsgFolderIndex" (144230)1-1028CB2:11392:checking index "MsgFolderIndex7" (144229)1-1028CB2:11392:rebuilding and comparing indexes1-1028CB2:11392:integrity-check of table "1-1028CB2" (144227) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 0 seconds
End results file looked like this:-
S-1-4F29A:11392:integrity-check of table "S-1-4F29A" (22733) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 33 secondsS-1-5CA16:7416:integrity-check of table "S-1-5CA16" (27642) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 32 secondsS-1-3DEE69:5252:integrity-check of table "S-1-3DEE69" (116890) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 38 secondsS-1-5CA24:5896:integrity-check of table "S-1-5CA24" (27647) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 35 secondsS-1-9F1F1:12156:integrity-check of table "S-1-9F1F1" (36009) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 35 secondsS-1-A6604:1192:checking index "?B6708?T668f+B67aa-Te06+Q3f88" (38054)S-1-A6604:1192:checking index "?B6708?T668f+B67aa+L85ac+Q3f88" (37198)S-1-A6604:1192:checking index "ptagFIDIndex" (37197)S-1-A6604:1192:checking index "ptagSearchedFIDIndex" (37196)S-1-A6604:1192:checking index "MsgFolderIndexURLCompNamePostfix" (37195)S-1-A6604:1192:checking LV refcountsS-1-A6604:1192:rebuilding and comparing indexesS-1-A6604:1192:integrity-check of table "S-1-A6604" (37193) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 44 secondshicapstore.STM:8128:checksumming of streaming file "hicapstore.STM" finishes with error 0 (0x0)Msg:7356:checking data1-24:6280:checking data1-24:6280:checking LV refcounts1-24:6280:integrity-check of table "1-24" (63) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 1274 secondsMsg:7356:checking LV refcountsMsg:7356:integrity-check of table "Msg" (21) finishes with error 0 (0x0) after 1476 secondschecking unicode fixup tableVerifying SLV space maps
Integrity check successful.
***** Eseutil completed in 1547 seconds
can any one tell me if this error 0 is something significant that I need to be concerned about. if yes - what's best course of action to correct ? The Stores Dismount and Mount without problem. Eseutil /d completed without error on same store after the /g routine.
Thx in advance
August 23rd, 2007 6:59pm