Variants of this have been asked before but our Exchange 2010 CAS/HUB servers are producing lots of Error 106 errors in the event logs:
Performance counter updating error. Counter name is <var>xyz</var>: Foreground RPCs Failed, category name is MSExchange RpcClientAccess. Optional code: 3. Exception: The exception thrown is : System.InvalidOperationException: The requested Performance Counter is not a custom counter, it has to be initialized as ReadOnly.
There are various counters being reported. I noticed there is a KB article about this for an RPC service and it says it can be ignored but just wanted to check about the rest.
- Will there be any functionality issues or is it purely counter/perfmon related?
- Can they just be ignored?
- Any fix?
I noticed that it is often a case of the counters being for a different role to what is installed so this may well be the case?