Event ID 3092
Error is
Error 1129 occurred while processing a replication event.
Folder: (7f-11) NON_IPM_SUBTREE\Events Root\EventConfig_(servername) in my SITEHow to Solve this issueRASA
December 19th, 2008 1:38pm
Hi,Did you check the following KB article:http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/822444/en-usThere is a hotfix for this issue which can be requested.Also run the ExBPA to check for issues.Regards,JohanJohan Veldhuis
blog: www.johanveldhuis.nl
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December 19th, 2008 5:02pm
Hello RabbaisYed:Could you provide more info in order to better troubleshooting the issue? (1) what exchange version is it running in your environment? exchange 2k3 or exchane 2k7, please tell me;(2) do you describe your exchange server topology, especially about your public folder server info? (3) what did you do when the issue occured? such as: add a BE of exchange 2003, etc.(4) check application log, then save it > .evt, and post it here; or check the error marked log, then post it here;i await your reply;
if anything unclear, pls free time to tell me;
December 22nd, 2008 8:49am
Hi DearI have de-commissioned a Old BE than installed a new Server and set it as BE set all the rolesand Remove from the ESM every thing was is only appears a warning in Event viewerthe logging is off for public folder.i am using Exchange 2003 SP2, we are not using PF anymore but during changing rolesi have point all roles to new server.the error i had pasted is from Eventviewer it selfRegardsRASA
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December 22nd, 2008 9:10am
First we need to clarify the issue, Id like to know more information about the issue:
1. Is there any Exchange 2003 in the environment?
2. Were decommissioned Exchange the only Exchange Server in your environment?
3. What do you mean point all the roles to new server? which are these roles? How did you do that?
If the Exchange System Manager shows a non-existent server as having a replica for the folder, remove that server as having a replica.
If ESM shows no server having a replica, then add the current server as having a replica.
More detail information for your reference:
Backfill requests for some public folders are never completed on an Exchange Server 2003 computer
December 22nd, 2008 11:39am
hiYes FE and BE its working Fine ...Roles =set as masterExample i have 2 servers EXch1 and Exch2 exch1=master and BEexch2=member and FEwe added new server exch3 in the esm and set as master and exch1 is de-commissionedbefore removing the server from the administrative group we have to transfer roles from 1 server to other every thing is working fine except the warning appears every 5 minutesRASA
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December 22nd, 2008 1:49pm
Please follow kb 889331 to get hotfix(Note: Please click View and request hotfix downloads at the top of the article to request the hotfix.)
After that, we need to use updated isinteg command, it will clean up any replica lists that are out of sync and removes any unreferenced remote server rows from the replication state table.
1. Please dismount the public folder store.
2. At the command prompt, navigate to C:\ProgramFiles\Exchsrvr\Bin
3. Type isinteg -s server_name -test replstate
4. Type the number of the public folder store database that you dismount. Then, press Enter.(Note: you can find it in the event log NON_IPM_SUBTREE\StoreEvents {C729A9F4-93B6-45FA-86FD-3B2EA125E0C6}\globalevents)
5. Type y to continue, and then press ENTER.
6. In the Isinteg log file, verify that you receive one or more instances of the following error message:
Replication state table has a row with no corresponding entry in the replica list.
Note By default, the Isinteg log file for the public folder store is named Isinteg.pub. Isinteg.pub is located in the Mdbdata folder. You can view the file contents by using a program such as Notepad.
7. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
isinteg -s server_name -test replstate -fix
8. Type the number of the public folder store database that you took offline in step 1. Then, press ENTER.
9. Type y to continue, and then press ENTER.
10. In the Isinteg log file, verify that the number of errors that are reported equals the number of fixes that are reported.
Description of the Isinteg utility
December 24th, 2008 9:51am
HiThanksI have gone throu with the KB and Downloaded the Hotfix + the Isinteg utilityi will be installing this weekend and let you knowOnce again thanks and God Blessings......RASA
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December 26th, 2008 11:12am
HiXIUToday i installed the Hotfix and Run the isinteg.. still the arror appears what else i have to doRegardsRASA
December 27th, 2008 1:05pm
I think you made a misstake byde-commissioned your old exchange server from ESM, this is not the way to do it, the proper way is to uninstall Exchange server from add/remove programs.The uninstall process verifies many things before removing the server object from configuration partition in AD.Here is articles explaining how to remove a server incl. all the prereqs.http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307917http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822931I think whaqt you mean by setting a server to master is you change the routing group master, this is just one of many steps that need to be done.can you see the "eventconfig_servername" from ESM? if so, what servers are listed on the replication tab.larsp at avanade dot com, http://anewmessagehasarrived.blogspot.com
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December 27th, 2008 2:50pm
HiI had already transfer all the roles from old server to a New Server as shown in The KB822931As in the Old de-commissioned server we have deleted the Folders which are not neededRASA
December 29th, 2008 7:49am
Hi,1. Please check replication interval settings, try to set it to null.You can follow the steps in the article below:
How to Set the Replication Schedule for a Public Folder Database
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb629665.aspx 2. Please follow the article below to check replication status.
How to Check Public Folder Replication Status
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998092(EXCHG.65).aspx 3. Besides, please try to remove replica from old Exchange Server via Public Folder Migration tool.
pfmigrate.wsf /S:value /T:value [/WMI:value] [/N:value] [/A] [/D] [/R] [/F:value] [/NNTP] [/Y] [/SYNC] [/SF]
Note: D: Deletes the SOURCE server from the replica list of folders where the TARGET server is also a replica.
Overview of the Public Folder Migration tool
Confused by different public folder tools?
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December 29th, 2008 9:44am
HiXIuThanks for Your Reply But My Problem is Solved By the Folowing TricksAs i told you that i have FE and BE and De-comm OLD BEMy Replication of PF are In Old BE server , It was de-comminssioned and in the PF i got "DATA NOT AVAILABLE" in the NEW BE server where i am getting Warning'ssimply on my BE PF Properties i have added the the FE servers and BE server the status is seen as "IN SYNC" and the Warnings Dis-appearI thanks all the members who spend there valuable timeGOD BLESSINGs......A HAPPY NEW YEAR...... SPREAD PEACE......................RASA
December 29th, 2008 10:58am
Glad to hear it works now.Happy new year. :)Best regards,Xiu
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December 29th, 2008 11:05am