Ex2007SP3 mail from Iphone with attached photo
Users in my compane started using Iphones. When they send email with attached photo (picture) from Iphone to someone in my company, user who received this email can't see attached photo in outlook, he can see only frame
of this photo. I tried with outlook 2003/7/10. But if he open this email from OWA he can see photo as attachement of email and he can open it.
Could you tell me what should I do to fix this problem with outlook ?
January 18th, 2011 3:40pm
Does the issue occur on each attachment or certain one from iPhone to Outlook?
Based on my research, the issue can occur by incompatible image name. I suggest you change the image name to check the result, such as named: test.jpg.
If the issue persists, please follow this guide to enable pipeline tracing and reproduce the issue:
Once you are able to capture any problematic email, send them to us for inspection.
NovakPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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January 21st, 2011 1:19am