Hi Emi,
Thank you for your answer, and sorry for stating my problem unclearly.
So, now I'm trying to make more sence.. I have created analysis report in Excel, and I am cathering data from ERP database (ODBC) and from other sheets (VLOOKUP). I have also some calculated fields. Same sheet also has two colums where
user is able to add comments and customer information etc. When user clicks 'update all' in excel, so all the data from the database and other sheets gets refreshed, all the contents from comment cell jumps to different cell, for example from R3 to R3000.
The row postitioning disappears. It has something to do with sorting, but I haven't figured it out, so I'm stuck.
I will add screenshots after I am able to verify my account.
Does this make sence at all? Any help would be appreciated.