I have 2010 and 2013 office installed on my PC and I have noticed the disappointing difference in the way how Excel 2013 handle relative links in pivot table.
If excel file is saved in Excel 2013 relative links (or "named range" links) to the pivot table's source data are constantly changes to absolute links after any operation with file (copy/move or rename).
For example:
I have excel file test.xlsx on desktop containing 2 sheets - 1st with data named as "range" and 2nd sheet with pivot table. I set link to the data as "range" and it works just perfect. After that I save and close file. If I rename, copy or move file to another
place relative link to the named range will be repalced by absolute \path\desktop\test.xlsx!range or 'D:\..\..\test.xlsx '!range (if file located not on desktop).
How is it possible to set .relative. link to the source of pivot table in new Excel 2013 and avoid further problems with file handling operations?
- Moved by Jaynet ZhangMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator Friday, November 09, 2012 9:58 AM (From:Excel IT Pro Discussions)