Yes, you used the same format for both but 9/31 and 11/31 are NOT DATES. So they are strings, and formatting does not affect the displayed value.
Change the formatting to Custom, with the string
m/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM
and the October dates will look the way you want. But those are DATES not STRINGS, and so you need to be careful - change 9/31 to 9/30 and 11/31 to 11/30 and those entries will be dates, too.
Strings are left-justified, dates and numbers or right-justified. And when you change the format to number (the columns on the right), the display of dates change to numbers with decimals. Strings don'tchange.
Edited by
Bernie Deitrick, Excel MVP 2000-2010Microsoft community contributor
15 hours 39 minutes ago
Marked as answer by
15 hours 1 minutes ago