Excel 2013 not connecting to the internet

Two days ago I asked the following question and have been passed between different forums ever since, most recently the question has been removed from this forum and posted on the VBA forum. This is not a VBA problem but a problem with Power View maps when on a network with a proxy, so I have reposted the query on what I believe to be the correct forum. I would appreciate advice on how to get this working please.


I've recently installed Office 2013 and am looking to use the mapping options in Excel 2013. Running a simple Power View test and clicking 'Map' returns "Bing error: Map tiles not found. A connection to Bing could not be established".

Also, clicking File, New returns "Sorry, we had trouble getting the featured templates and can't show them right now".

Next I tried a bit of VBA to clarify the internet connection:

     Set objHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
      objHttp.Open "GET", "http ://www.bing.com", False
      objHttp.Send ""

This fails to connect, Excel is definitely not seeing the internet.

Before you ask, yes I can see the internet, IE 11 is connecting fine with no problems.

I have tried connecting to an IP address rather than URL, still no joy. Not a DNS issue.

My network connection is going through a proxy server, so I tried the following:

     Set objHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
      objHttp.Open "GET", "http ://www.bing.com", False

     objHttp.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
      objHttp.setProxy 2, "<proxyIP>:<port>", ""
      objHttp.SetCredentials "<username>", "<password>", HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER
      objHttp.SetCredentials "<username>", "<password>", HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_PROXY

    objHttp.Send ""

And blow me it works. For some reason Excel is failing to navigate my proxy, despite the proxy settings being in the IE11 config.

I have attempted to persuade Excel to use the proxy settings by creating an excel.exe.config file, as follows:

   <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
    <proxy usesystemdefault="true"/>
 < /configuration>

But still no joy.

An internet browse shows other people having trouble using Power View Maps whilst behind a proxy. My question is how can I use the map options whilst being behind a proxy? I can't believe the nice new features are dependent on having an unproxy'd internet connection.

Windows 7 64 bit SP1, Intel Core 3.2 ghz, 8gb ram, Office 2013 Professional Plus.

Help appreciated,


December 12th, 2013 8:12am

Hi Sir,

According to your description, your proxy server need to verify your account and password. Thus, If you use IE 11 to set up the proxy, we also need to do the verification process. We need to write an automatic configuration script.(Location:IE11 setting>Internet Options>connections>lansettings>Check use automatic configuration script)

The error message "Bing error: Map tiles not found. A connection to Bing could not be established" pop up when lost the internet connection.



George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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December 13th, 2013 5:51am

Can you lend any direction on what needs to go into the automatic configuration script?

December 17th, 2013 2:42pm

what address  should i give in automatic configuration script?
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March 24th, 2015 5:45am

Do you ever get a solution for this? I'm just looking into this issue for a user now as map tiles do not load through the corporate proxy, but fine else where (home for example).

September 9th, 2015 10:53am

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