I'm using Excel to temporary work out logic/rules for some database development.
I dumped a load of data into the workbook to test everything out before I create the stored procedures/ETL packages etc, then stupidly saved it without removing some of the data...
The file is 650Meg, and just will not open, before you say it, I'm using Excel 64Bit, with 64Gig of RAM on a Win2008R2 (Enterprise) Machine with 8CPU's...
Excel starts to open the file, it gets to 100%, then about 5 minutes later it tells me it doesn't have enough resources, despite using 20Gig of ram so far.
I know Excel 64Bit should use everything that's available to the machine, have I missed a setting or something else that's stopping it from using more ram?
- Moved by Fei XueMicrosoft contingent staff 5 hours 44 minutes ago