Good Day Everyone. I'm stuck on the below situation and your help will be much appreciated.
he situation is, I need to return the "figures" from WORKSHEET 2, To the WORKSHEET 3 considering the "Figures" from WORKSHEET 1.
The Spreadsheet 3 is the results from the other 2.
On spreadsheet 1 You read the Number of the Waiter and his name. Eg.(401-LILIK, 402-BRATA, 403,IRWAN) which actually "served" the respective Room/Cabin.
As you see, on DAY 1, IRWAN served Room 105 , LILIK Rooms 107&108, BRATA Room 110..... and on and on.....
On Spreadsheet 2 You See the "Rating" the Guest returned, between 0 & 4....
So, with this information on Spreadsheet 1 & 2, I need it to return to the respective Waiter on Spreadsheet 3 accordingly.
I hope it's clear. Thank you so very much in advance for whoever help on that one.
- Edited by Gutoazuk 8 hours 58 minutes ago