I am having a problem printing with Excel.
We have some older Excel documents (Excel 97-2003 worksheets) and when we print from a Windows 7 computer in Excel 2003/2010 it prints each excel sheet full page.
However if we print the same document from a Windows XP computer it prints normally i.e. the excel sheet just covers half the page.
Any newly created Excel documents print fine in Win XP and Win7. Also if we copy the data from the older problem Excel sheets they print fine.
I don't think this is a printer problem as have tested printing to different printers.
Has anyone seen this before?
Which version of Office client do you have on this Windows XP computer?
First have a check in page break preview and print preview and see how it shows. Also, check if you have the same print settings on both Windows 7 and Windows XP computer.
Ethan Hua
TechNet Community Support
I we have Office 2003 & 2010 and tested printing it on both versions.
I have double checked already the page break view and print preview and all settings are the same. I have also tested printing it to a different printer.
I think the root of the problem must be the Operating System in that Windows 7 displays older versions of Excel full screen when printing.
Anything else I can try?