Excg 2007 Public folder replication issue
We have a public folder that stores a companywide contact database. It is replicated to two exchange servers, one for each office. We have a custom form applied to the contact records in this folder that has some custom fields for notes, contact tracking, responsible user and the like. We have noticed that several of the fields do not replicate data consistently, while others do. The custom fields are all on secondary pages in the form. The field that we have the most problems with is a RecipientControl field. Data that is placed in this field is not replicated to the same contact record on the opposing server. We also have issues with custom views that are set in one public folder, do not replicate to the other. Or to the user public folder favorites. Any one have any idea why this might be so?
October 12th, 2009 10:09pm
Check info:
1. Does the replication of custom form of contacts ever work before?
2. Does the replication only fail to the custom form of contacts? How’s the replication of other folders?
3. Is there any error event in the application log on the exchange servers?
4. Please refer the question 11 in the FAQ2 to raise the diagnostic logging level for replication
5. Please try to update the problematic pubic folder, and monitor the application log for the replication events
6. Please run ExBPA against the exchange servers for health check
Managing Public Folders
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October 13th, 2009 6:26am