Exchane 2013 and Server 2012 Standard
When installing exchange 2013 on server 2012, we installed all pre-requisits and the installation then stops at stage 8 of 15 with the following error. We have installed on server 2012 foundation with no errors, but server 2012 standard keeps giving
error. Can anyone shed some light on how to resolve.
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RoleProductPlatform -eq "amd64")
$useAttachMode = $false;
$fastInstallConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $RoleBinPath -ChildPath "Search\Ceres\Installer";
$command = Join-Path -Path $fastInstallConfigPath -ChildPath "InstallConfig.ps1";
$fastDefaultDataFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $RoleBinPath -ChildPath "Search\Ceres\HostController\Data";
$dataFolderPath = $fastDefaultDataFolderPath;
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($fastDefaultDataFolderPath))
$useAttachMode = $true;
if ($RoleIsDatacenter -eq $true)
$preferredDataFolderPathRoot = "D:\";
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($preferredDataFolderPathRoot))
$dataFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $preferredDataFolderPathRoot -ChildPath "ExchangeSearchData";
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($dataFolderPath))
$useAttachMode = $true;
if ($useAttachMode -eq $true)
&$command -action a -dataFolder $dataFolderPath -silent;
&$command -action i -dataFolder $dataFolderPath -silent;
$errorMsg = "Failure running SearchFoundation installconfig.ps1 - " + $_.Exception.Message;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Error $errorMsg;
&$command -action u -silent;
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($dataFolderPath))
[System.IO.Directory]::Delete($dataFolderPath, $true);
$deleteErrorMsg = "Failure cleaning up SearchFoundation Data folder. - " + $dataFolderPath + " - " + $_.Exception.Message;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Error $deleteErrorMsg;
" was run: "Couldnt attach the data folder 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\HostController\Data'. Path doesnt contain old nodes belonging to the system 'Fsis'.".
An unexpected error has occurred and a Watson dump is being generated: The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RoleProductPlatform -eq "amd64")
$useAttachMode = $false;
$fastInstallConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $RoleBinPath -ChildPath "Search\Ceres\Installer";
$command = Join-Path -Path $fastInstallConfigPath -ChildPath "InstallConfig.ps1";
$fastDefaultDataFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $RoleBinPath -ChildPath "Search\Ceres\HostController\Data";
$dataFolderPath = $fastDefaultDataFolderPath;
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($fastDefaultDataFolderPath))
$useAttachMode = $true;
if ($RoleIsDatacenter -eq $true)
$preferredDataFolderPathRoot = "D:\";
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($preferredDataFolderPathRoot))
$dataFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $preferredDataFolderPathRoot -ChildPath "ExchangeSearchData";
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($dataFolderPath))
$useAttachMode = $true;
if ($useAttachMode -eq $true)
&$command -action a -dataFolder $dataFolderPath -silent;
&$command -action i -dataFolder $dataFolderPath -silent;
$errorMsg = "Failure running SearchFoundation installconfig.ps1 - " + $_.Exception.Message;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Error $errorMsg;
&$command -action u -silent;
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($dataFolderPath))
[System.IO.Directory]::Delete($dataFolderPath, $true);
$deleteErrorMsg = "Failure cleaning up SearchFoundation Data folder. - " + $dataFolderPath + " - " + $_.Exception.Message;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Error $deleteErrorMsg;
" was run: "Couldnt attach the data folder 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Search\Ceres\HostController\Data'. Path doesnt contain old nodes belonging to the system 'Fsis'.".
Exchange Server 2013 setup fails creating Mailbox role
Posted February 28, 2013 Filed under:
Solved | Tags:
exchange 2013,
setup |
There I was installing Exchange Server 2013 on a brand new Windows 2012 Server. All the pre-reqs went on fine, AD Schema extended, no problems, how simple
could it be?
And yet, the setup itself fails!?!? I cant even begin to understand how a vanilla setups on a clean fresh server could fail.
So, during the setup, it gets to :Step 7 of 14: Mailbox Role: Transport Service and then fails with
The following error was generated when $error.Clear();
if ( ($server -eq $null) -and ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne
$true) )
Update-RmsSharedIdentity -ServerName $RoleNetBIOSName
was run: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name:
Looks like Microsoft *still* havent been able to work out how to provide actual useful error messages.
At least it appears to be a known error, and theres a KB article describing it. Although for Exchange 2010 I figured it should be close enough.
So off to ADSIEDIT, delete the user as suggested. I cant recreate the account because the powershell doesnt work because Exchange isnt installed yet! Next
step is to rerun the Mailbox role setup application huh? What application would that be?
I tried just running the Setup again. It starts, tells me the previous setup failed and that it will try to continue. No choice if I want to either. Once it
starts, it then seems to just stop at 0%. Theres no further activity I can detect. Any attempts to start the setup again result in the same, just stopping at 0%
So, technically this is partly my bad, however it is a similar problem that might be encountered if someone has an Exchange install fail part-way for whatever
reason. In my case it was due to residual objects still being present in Active Directory from a previous Exchange 2010 install. The problem relates to the permissions on those old user objects where the new Exchange server doesnt have the required permissions
due to the old installation owning those objects.
So, from here the fix was to Uninstall Exchange 2013 (or what little there actually was of it), reboot the serverIn AD Users and Computers, find and delete *all* those old Exchange mailbox type system accounts (Federatedemail, DiscoverySearchMailbox, HealthMailbox,
Migration, SystemMailbox, etc.)Run the Exchange ADPrep again to recreate those accounts. This is instead of the step mentioned in the article to re-create the accounts as the ADPrep will
take care of thatStart Exchange setup again and it should complete correctly
May 29th, 2013 11:00am
Thank you for your sharing.Cara Chen
TechNet Community Support
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May 30th, 2013 4:46am