Exchange07 using a 32-bit AD server ?
Hi all,
I am a little confused with how I am supposed to go about setting up a new install of Exchange07. It is a fresh install with no previous versions - our current email is provided via POP3/SMTP from our ISP.
We have a new x64 server with Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 installed. From what I have read, it should be possible to install Exchange07 on the new server whilst accessing a different 32-bit server for its Active Directory requirements? The x64 server would simply have on it the various Exchange Server roles.
I have tried to install Active Directory on the x64 server with the 32-bit as the "primary AD controller" so to speak. I have had a failure with the message that "The version of the AD schema of the source forest is not compatible with the version of AD on this computer". Does it matter if the x64 server is not alsorunning AD?
As you can probably tell, I am quite confused at this stage and wondering why MS didnt release a 32-bit version, albeit with reduced capabilities !
Any pointers appreciated at this stage.
August 3rd, 2007 6:00pm
AD can run fine on either 32 or 64 bit version if windows.
I would not put Exchan ge on a server running AD if you dont have to.
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August 3rd, 2007 6:20pm
Thanks for your reply. To clarify, our main server (32-bit)is running AD fine. I am looking to install Exchange07 on our new server (64-bit) and I thought it would be worth adding the new server as a duplicateAD Domain controller for backup purposes.
Can you confirm that I should forget about adding AD to the 64-bit server, and only install Exchange07 Server roles on the x64 server. The x64 server will happily use the AD from the 32-bit Server for Exchange07 purposes?
Thanks again
August 3rd, 2007 6:30pm
You can use the new 64 bit server as a DC/GC, there should be no problem here.
But you need to get AD up and running OK on the new box before you install Exchange on it.
running dcpromo when you have Exchange installed is not supported and will break some Exchange functionality, IIS will also break if you have it installed when running dcpromo
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August 3rd, 2007 7:57pm
Although I agree that you should NOT make this a DC unless you only have one DC and no other servers to make into one, the issue you are seeing is most likely because your other original DC is not WIndows 2003 R2?
If it is not, you should look at this article. Be sure you set it up as a DC BEFORE installing Exchange though. (And again, unless you HAVE to for sanity sake, don't!)
When you try to run the Active Directory Installation Wizard on a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 server, the wizard does not finish, and you may receive the following error message:
The Active Directory Installation Wizard cannot continue because the forest is not prepared for installing Windows Server 2003. Use the Adprep command-line tool to prepare both the forest and the domain. For more information about using the Adprep, see Active Directory Help.The version of the Active Directory schema of the source forest is not compatible with the version of Active Directory on this computer.
This issue may occur when Active Directory has not been updated with the Windows Server 2003 R2 schema extensions..
To resolve this issue, run the adprep.exe /forestprep command from the Windows Server 2003 R2 installation disk 2 on the schema master. To do this, insert the Windows Server 2003 R2 installation disk 2, and then type the following command:
Drive:\CMPNENTS\R2\ADPREP\adprep.exe /forestprep
August 4th, 2007 12:49am
Thanks John, you are right. I am running R2 on the new server, and SP1 on the other server. At present I currently have an older server that is running SP1 and is also a shared DC running AD. I could keep this one running and use this as my backup AD controller (I had intended to retire it but it will keep going for a while yet if it makes my life easier).
So, now I have established that I dont want to install AD on to the x64 server. Can I aks for confirmation that all this server will need to do to run Exchange07 ishave theExchange Server Rolesinstalled on it and configured? I dont need to add the server as a DC?
Thanks again.
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August 6th, 2007 12:20pm
I have the same environment as you and had to get a hot fix from MS. Everything seemed to be going fine (see this thread) until my ISP tried to telnet into port 25 and was unsuccessful. Then I was thinking that I had a firewall issue see this thread. But now I think that I have some kind of DNS / AD issue see the attached print out of all my errors. Anyone know what these errors could be caused from? Should I uninstall Exchange and start over?
August 9th, 2007 5:25pm
A vice man once said: if DNS sneeze AD will get a cold and Exchange will get really sick.
many errors in Exchange is due to errors in DNS and I would try to correct errors in that order.
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August 10th, 2007 9:57am
That was dumb Windows Server 2003 R2 firewall was on.
August 22nd, 2007 5:10pm
yes exchange will run fine with 32bit AD server and exchange on it's own 64bit server, however I would recomment at least setting up a virtual machine or sometihng on that 64bit machine and at least give yourself a backup AD server, if you loose that server for any reason it's going to be no fun bringing things back online.
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August 29th, 2007 11:19am