Exchange2003 send message error: smtp;550-Verification failed
When sending message to a specific domain. It alwasy response quickly with a error message: smtp;550-Verification failed. It is totally differentabout MX record and its email domain name. Thing like that, has problem to send email to The company has a MXrecord named: I guess it might be treated as a spam server, for email domain name doesn't match the MX domain name. But don't know how to correct it. Can anybody give a hand? thanks
June 20th, 2007 11:38am

I ran into this same problem trying to send mail from a Small Business server 2003 which was not the designated mail server (MX) for the domain I was sending mail from ( in my case I wantedthe users to be able to send mail out from exchange but with a return address to be that of our ISP for example). Some mail went out fine, but mail to some of the larger providers, AOL in particular were refused because, as I understand it, they checkto see if the originating SMTP machine is the MX for that domain, if not they refuse to accept the mail. If you check the web putting in your error and AOL (or on AOL'swebsite FAQ's) you can get more details.
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June 22nd, 2007 3:28am

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