Exchange - Delivery Reports

We have 2 CAS/HT servers (1 CAS array), 2 MBX servers (1 DAG) and 1 archive server. All Exchange servers have SP3 CU5 installed.

Recently we deployed and configured Exchange Server 2013 CU3.

All Exchange services work as expected. We get an issue with Delivery Reports afterwards.

When we login to old version of ECP (exchange 2010) - Mail Control - Delivery Reports and specify Mailbox to search, From or TO address it shows results with following warning:

"Couldn't retrieve all the message tracking results. Some of the results come from newer versions of Microsoft

Exchange, and they are incompatible with the current version."

We are able to see delivery reports, read status etc - like "Read - The message is marked as Read in the user's mailbox." but only for internal users. If we put into FROM or TO field an external email address it shows only error specified above and no results.

Search-MessageTrackingReport -Identity "email@internalmailbox" -Sender "externalEmail" -BypassDelegateChecking

The same results "Couldn't retrieve all the message tracking results .." warning and no result for external emails.

If I run Search-MessageTrackingReport in EMS 2013 I don't get a warning and can see all the results successfully.

If I login to Exchange Admin Center (Exchange 2013) - mail flow - Delivery reports I can see all the results but when I open any specific report I get error:


Outlook Web App Options :(There was a problem opening Options in Outlook Web App.

Please click Sign out below, then sign in to Options in Outlook Web App again.

If that doesn't work, sign out, delete browser cookies, and sign in again."

Please advice.

April 23rd, 2014 4:46pm


How about trying these below commands and see the output

Get-MessageTrackingLog -MessageSubject "specify message subject" -Sender "senderemail" -Recipients "recipientemail" | FL > C:\TrackFrom2010.txt

Get-MessageTrackingLog -MessageSubject "specify message subject" -Sender "senderemail" -Recipients "recipientemail" | FL > C:\TrackFrom2013.txt

Also ensure that the protocol logs are enabled in receive and send connector on the internet facing server think it should be exchange 2013 in your case so that we can identify if the message left outside organozation for external recipients tracking.
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April 24th, 2014 1:43am

Get-MessageTrackingLog works fine as expected. I forgot to mention that also we have one EDGE server - Exchange 2010 SP3 CU5.

I need to run Search-MessageTrackingReport against external senders/recipients without any warning in EMS of Exchange 2010.

As I mention in question we get error 400 in EAC when open a specific delivery report.

April 24th, 2014 11:43am


I have the same issue of that problem. Do you have any suggestion?

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April 28th, 2014 1:03pm

Any ideas?
May 7th, 2014 7:39pm

Do we need to open MS case about this issue?
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May 21st, 2014 2:21pm

Hi there, 
the same thing happens in my organization exchange 2013 to check the delivery reports 
Outlook Web App Options: (There was a problem opening Options in Outlook Web App.
Please click Sign out below, then sign in to Outlook Web App Options in again. 
If That does not work, sign out, delete browser cookies, and sign in again. "

Has anyone been able to find any solution to the problem? 

Thank you very much. 
  • Proposed as answer by Chest Rockwell Tuesday, August 19, 2014 1:05 PM
  • Unproposed as answer by Chest Rockwell Tuesday, August 19, 2014 1:05 PM
August 9th, 2014 4:53pm

I came across part of the OP's issue in my Lab. When clicking on delivery reports from the CAS server I got this message in the report window:


Outlook Web App Options :(There was a problem opening Options in Outlook Web App.

Please click Sign out below, then sign in to Options in Outlook Web App again.

If that doesn't work, sign out, delete browser cookies, and sign in again."

What I noticed was if I logged in via OWA, I could access the delivery report as expected. What solved it for me was not to use EAC link from Program Files menu because it sent me to https:\\localhost\ecp. The name of my lab CAS is CAS1. So I instead accessed it as https:\\CAS1\ecp and then tried viewing the delivery report. It worked without issue.

Obviously, the clue was in the delivery report feature in OWA which worked fine because I didn't access OWA using https:\\localhost\owa. So the key seems to be to use the DNS name of your CAS box to access the EAC (aka ecp).

Might be a read herring, but it worked for me.



  • Proposed as answer by Chest Rockwell Tuesday, August 19, 2014 1:05 PM
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August 19th, 2014 1:05pm

I came across part of the OP's issue in my Lab. When clicking on delivery reports from the CAS server I got this message in the report window:


Outlook Web App Options :(There was a problem opening Options in Outlook Web App.

Please click Sign out below, then sign in to Options in Outlook Web App again.

If that doesn't work, sign out, delete browser cookies, and sign in again."

What I noticed was if I logged in via OWA, I could access the delivery report as expected. What solved it for me was not to use EAC link from Program Files menu because it sent me to https:\\localhost\ecp. The name of my lab CAS is CAS1. So I instead accessed it as https:\\CAS1\ecp and then tried viewing the delivery report. It worked without issue.

Obviously, the clue was in the delivery report feature in OWA which worked fine because I didn't access OWA using https:\\localhost\owa. So the key seems to be to use the DNS name of your CAS box to access the EAC (aka ecp).

Might be a read herring, but it worked for me.



Hi Chest,

I did the same as recommended by you. I was trying out Ex2013 migration from 2010.

So when ever I was using ex2013HUB/CASserver/ecp?ExchClientVer=15 I was getting that error.

And when I switch to localhost/ecp servername/ecp it worked like a charm.


October 15th, 2014 5:55pm

I would suggest to upgrade exchange infrastructure to 2013 before migration to the Office 365.

I think it resolves all issues. There is no ideal and smooth live in hybrid exchange systems.

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October 17th, 2014 11:49am

So is that a DNS change that is needed or the link you use for ecp?
April 21st, 2015 7:11pm

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