Exchange 2000 SBS assistance needed
Ok, I hope I have the right spot cause I need help.
I am new to Exchange administration myself so I don't know tons when it comes to handling stuff like this.
My office currently runs Server 2000 SBS. This server is a P4 1.7GHz machine with 1.5GB RAM. We have 10 total users on the entire internal network that utilize this for network authentication and e-mail(exchange).
This server has multiple functions associated with it that it runs:
1. e-mail for all users through MS Exchange, both locally through MS Outlook and through the web based Outlook that Exchange offers
2. Remote access for us from home to the internal network
3. routing of internet traffic within this office, This server handles our NAT IP addresses
4. 2 external web pages
5. 1 Internal Web page
6. an update utility that connects via HTTP request to this server and allows our customers to update the software that we write for them
What the problem(s) we are having are:
1. We monitor the server through the SBS admin tool. On a fresh reboot or a restart of IIS, the free memory is at 65% free, after Store.exe is run on this system at midnight, the free memory drops to 20%
2. The server will run fine for a day or so but after about 2 days, the free memory with drop to about 2% and then we start having problems.
3. We are also having problems where even if we have enough free memory, we have to reboot IIS at least once a day to get our internet based apps to function properly. THey will run and then all of a sudden stop running and a restart of IIS is required to get those going again.
What I need to know is what can I do about this store.exe taking the memory over time and is there any IIS logs that I can look into to find out why I have to keep restarting this sytem.
I am running Service Pak 4 by the way.
Thanks for any and all help
March 28th, 2007 7:54pm