Exchange 2000 Script
We are in the process of sizing our Exchange Server 2007 for migration from Exchange 2000. We have about 7 E2K servers we want to consolodate into hopefully one E2K7. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of a script that
can query the E2K servers and retrurn to me a list of all mailbox SG, databases, and mailbox sizes, to better assist us with the sizing. I know Powershell can provide this informatin for E2K7, but do not think it can be used with E2K.
January 6th, 2011 7:53am
Were you aware in ESM you can expand the stores, click on mailboxes then choose to export to CSV? You can select name and mailbox size. This should help you with sizing for your Exchange 2007 deployment.
OliverOliver Moazzezi | Exchange MVP, MCSA:M, MCITP:Exchange 2010, BA (Hons) Anim | | |
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January 6th, 2011 12:33pm
Yes fully aware of that, however, it is a manual process and takes a while when you have 10 servers and several SGs and stores per server. I was looking for way to automate it, but have been unseccessful finding one. Thanks!
January 6th, 2011 12:42pm
In that case you had better revert your eyes to the mailbox size reporting script here:
"How to programmatically get the size of mailboxes in Exchange"
Compatible with Exchange 2000 and 2003.
Take care,
Oliver Moazzezi | Exchange MVP, MCSA:M, MCITP:Exchange 2010, BA (Hons) Anim | | |
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 6th, 2011 1:32pm
Did this work for you?
OliverOliver Moazzezi | Exchange MVP, MCSA:M, MCITP:Exchange 2010, BA (Hons) Anim | | |
January 11th, 2011 8:56am
I got what I needed. Thanks!
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 11th, 2011 9:03am