Exchange 2003: BAD MAIL FOLDER
OurExchanges Bad Mail Folder accumulates bad mail quickly and makes its default location C drive very busy. So we moved it to D Drive to safe some space. That's great but without constant cleaning, it continues to accumulate more bad mail. I have heard about the script that automatically ereases all bad mail inside the folder but the problem is thatthe script only works for its default location and we have moved the Bad Mail Folder to another D drive location. QUESTIONS: 1.Please provide the link to the script file and explain how to edit it to make it work with the new desired location of folder. 2. CanWe simply delete Bad Mail contentmanually? Will it affect anything or the back up is needed?
March 21st, 2008 7:54pm

Why care about it? Why not simply disable the BadMail folder functionality as is the default with Exchange 2003 SP1 and onwards?
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March 22nd, 2008 3:20pm

Ok. But I have moved the entire Mailroot folder including Bad mail to another location of the different Drive with more space. So it is no longer in its default location. 1. How would I disable Bad Mail Folder? Simply by instaling SP1 if so would it recognize the location change? and what happends with bad mail if the bad mail folder is disabled? 2. What would be response to my original question in the original post if I decide to keep BadMail folder active?
March 24th, 2008 9:41am

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