Exchange 2003 - 2010 Migration issues
After doing a migration installation of SBS 2011 and working through the process of migrating exchange, what would cause the new Exchange 2010 server not to show up under Servers in the Exchange System Manager on the SBS 2003 server? This is causing
a lot of problems and has halted my migration entirely. Any help would be appreciated.
February 11th, 2012 8:54pm
I don't know how this would have solved anything, but I ran the Exchange BPA on the SBS 2011 server and when I went back to the SBS 2003 server, the routing connector was recreated and the new public folder database was now available in the drop downs and
to add to the public folders in the replication tab of the folder properties. Both servers now also appear in ESM.
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February 11th, 2012 9:28pm
Hi Jared-MN,
Not sure if your problem is resolved or not, but if you still have problems I would recommend you to ask in the SBS Forum.
Small Business Forums Miskovic
February 12th, 2012 7:17am