Exchange 2003 as part of 2003 SBS
Outlook 2010
After changing the default e-mail domain from one domain to another (e-mail for both domains hosted on our in-house Exchange 2003 server), already-configured Outlook 2010 Exchange clients are now popping up this message at startup and periodically during the day:
Allow this website to configure [UserName]@[MyDomain].com server settings?
The username with the message is The user was originally configured as Both are still hosted on our in-house Exchange server. The users can still use their mailboxes, but this message keeps popping up.
None of the auto-discovery registry entries refers to BlueHost, and there is no auto-discover record on my local DNS server. Bluehost just happens to be where our internet domain is hosting, although we have MX records redirecting e-mail to McAfee's anti-spam service that then forwards them into our in-house Exchange server. That is, BlueHost has nothing to do with our Exchange clients.
The user checks the box to quit notifying, then clicks Cancel, and things just repeat. Clicking OK just adds the BlueHost address to the list of redirect servers in HKCU\oftware\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\AutoDiscover\RedirectServers. That, of course, does no good because BlueHost has nothing to do with our e-mail past providing the MX records.
- Edited by Brian D. Hart Monday, March 23, 2015 9:58 PM