Exchange 2003 Decomission process
Hello all! I need some advise on decomissioning old 2003 Exchange servers. I have three in my environment, one front end and two back ends and here are my questions:1. Is there any particular order that I need to decomission, such as front end server first or back ends first?2. After I decomission the first one, should I wait until AD replicates to proceed, or can I just remove all three at one time?I have all my user mailboxes and public folders on an exchange 2007 box, so the others are just waiting to be decomissioned.Thanks for your help!
May 27th, 2009 9:00pm
Hi,If all public folders have been migrated and all send/receive connectors I would decomission the front end and then the back-ends. For a full tutorial see this site:,Johanblog:
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May 27th, 2009 10:59pm
Also see
May 27th, 2009 11:20pm