Exchange 2003 EcFudgeResults
Function name or description of problem: EcFudgeResultsError: 0x8004010fThis is the error i am seeing spamming my application log. When i google search for it i find a few results but they all talk about the same solution which doesnt work for me. Two days ago i moved the contense of an entire data store over to Exchange 2007. Shortly there after i lost access to all public folders except for one (none of the other users that were migrated are affected) and now im getting that error in the event log. An error occurred on database "DFH\Public Folder Store (DFHLSBOMAIL02)".Function name or description of problem: EcFudgeResultsError: 0x8004010f Has anyone else ever run across this error and found a solution? Tonight i will be rebooting the server to see if that makes any difference.
March 14th, 2008 1:06am
Ended up fixing this one on my own. I had tried to cycle the public folder store a couple of days ago with no luck. I rebooted the server last night and that seems to have cleared up the event in the logs.
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March 14th, 2008 6:41pm