Exchange 2003 FE/BE with RPC-HTTP question
I am taking on the following project. It is in regards to setting up the Outlook 2007 to be able to use RPC-HTTP over the internet to bypass the VPN requirements to collect email.Majority of clients are Outlook 2007 with some Outlook 2003, the Exchange Server is 2003 SP2. This is for the users to only use the Outlook client via Web, we are not looking at using the Web interface for outside use.I have been reading a lot of info on the settings and most of hte work seems to be completed. I just have a few questions to throw out to the group. Right now there is 1 system that was partially configured as a Front end, and there is 1 Exchange as a backend server, that is where everyone is pointed to for their mail stores.When I look atExchange Service manager I note that the Backend servers are set properly. THough the system that was setup to be the Front-End is set to basic. Is there any concerns on switching this over to the role of Front-End? Will this affect the current settings on the client s or Backend server?On the IIS server of the Front End, should the Default Website. Under Properties/Directory Security. The Access control, I have unselected the Anonmous Access, and I have the Method of Interagted Windows Autherntication selected. Is that correct?Is there any settings that should be checked on child websites?Not sure if there is any other things to be worried about/to verify? As this type of config looks rather stright forword, but then again that is where the "got-ya" come from.Thanks in advanceAdam
September 23rd, 2009 3:46pm
Setting the Front End Server as the front end server will mean that clients will access that server, OWA, ActiveSync, outlook Anywhere, and then commands will be relayed to the BE server. I guess the question is now, where is your owa traffic going? is it still going to the FE server anyway?as for IIS most default setting will have the anonymous check box enabled. If I recall the anonymous access should be enabled for proper access to the Exchweb directory where the pictures and images are kept for Exchange OWA. Once the user authenticates OWA will use the ExchWeb directory to pull in that content and it is typically an anon access. (going from memory). If Anon access is not checked I believe it will still work but may cause some issues depending on a users authentication.I would double check where your OWA is pointing to. It should be going to the FE server which should be designated as a front end server. So basically it will pass everything to the BE. I would recommend placing an ISA server in front of the Exchange FE though, and have all auth at the ISA server in the DMZ and then route it to the 2003 FE.You may also need to check basic auth if you're using (which I hope) SSL. CAn't really think of any got-yas in the config though. If it works, then it ain't broke right?!SF - MCITP:EMA, MCTS: MOSS 2007, OCS 2007, Exchange 2007
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September 23rd, 2009 4:34pm
In Addittion to Scott you can also just refer below article . You need to enable those settings in IIS if you also want to configure Dual or Pass-Through Authentication Refer Below and For RPC-OVER-HTTP refer below How to configure RPC over HTTP in Exchange Server 2003 Vinod
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
September 24th, 2009 4:52pm